Sunday, September 13, 2015


Why is it so hard to forgive one another? Why is it even harder to ask for forgiveness when we have hurt someone? It is human nature to want revenge of some sort, even if it is only making sure that the person is aware of having hurt us. We are all guilty of saying the wrong thing or offending someone in some way or another, we have all crossed the line of discretion, we have all gotten upset and at times have said things we should not have said or did things we should not have done to others. We all have had others do the same to us as well.

How do you react to someone who betrays you, gossips about you, lies about you or mistreats you in some way? For those that have been abandoned, abused physically, emotionally or sexually can you learn to forgive these unforgivable acts that someone has done against you? For those that have been rejected, cheated on, or told they are worthless and will never amount to anything.... how do you learn to forgive the people that have wronged you in such terrible ways? I myself do not know the answer but I do know the One who does. God is the ONLY one that can help you begin to heal from the hurt and help you to get to a place of forgiveness and peace with yourself and others. This does not mean you need to be in relationship with them especially if they have hurt you in unexplainable ways.

The inability to forgive not only destroys relationships it also can destroy the person who cannot seem to forgive. The bitterness will grow deeper and deeper as you live with it longer and longer. Scripture says where there is lack of forgiveness there will develop bitterness and out of bitterness comes hatred and couple with hatred comes anger and anger and bitterness is the pursuit of vengeance. The price of vengeance is extremely high, it will keep you imprisoned in your past and eat at you until you learn to forgive and let it go! You are truly hurting yourself when you your refuse to forgive and often times it will result in self pity.

Jesus set the perfect example asking God to forgive those that flogged, mocked, beat, denied and crucified him on the cross. Luke 23:34. Even in his agony, Jesus concern was for those who counted themselves among His enemies. He told us to love our enemies. Matthew 5:22.  He died for this very reason so we could be forgiven and saved. He is expecting us to forgive as he has shown us. He says in his word if you do not forgive others that the Father will not forgive you. Matthew 6:15. Asking for God's forgiveness for one's own sins, all the while withholding forgiveness from someone else is hypocritical. We cannot walk with God in true fellowship when we harbor un-forgiveness in our hearts. When we consider the extent in which God has forgiven us, we realize that we do not have the right to withhold this grace from others. We must make a conscious choice to obey God and forgive. Ideally the offender will seek reconciliation but if not the one wronged can make the decision to forgive still.

I will admit there are a few people in my life that I still struggle to forgive. I have been betrayed by people who I thought were my friends, I've been rejected by others, some have lied and or gossiped about me, my husband and I, at times have struggled in our 26 years together to forgive each other when we have hurt each other. I've had some hurtful things that have happened in my family that have been hard to forgive and or let go of. I also know that I have needed forgiveness as I have said and done some things to people that have truly hurt them. I haven't deserved the forgiveness but have received it from some of the people I have hurt. I have not been very good about asking those I have hurt to forgive me though I must say. I know there are those I've hurt that I'm not even aware of also! Often times I even forget to ask God to forgive me! I know my words and actions have not always been ideal to say the least!

God loves us despite all our stupid mistakes, I stand in awe and amazement that my father has forgiven me time after time. I certainly do not deserve his forgiveness. As we focus on the things that are eternal we will begin to experience freedom from the things that shackle us such as unforgiving heart, we will begin to break free from our past and can experience a life of peace like we have not known.

Are you still unable to forgive someone who hurt you deeply? How long will you remain a prisoner to your unforgiving spirit? Jesus can give you the power you need to help you learn to forgive, to be healed and to be set free to live your life to the fullest. Won't you ask for His help today?

Let's strive to be forgiving people even when people don't deserve forgiveness and let's strive to ask forgiveness from those that we have hurt or wronged. We should also try and think before we talk and be more aware of our actions so maybe we can avoid being in a position where we need to ask for forgiveness.

May God Bless You,
Angie Goucher

                                             Ephesians 4;32
Be kind…, tenderhearted, forgiving…, even as Jesus Christ forgave you.
                                                           1 John 1;9
If we confess our sins, He is Faithful and righteous to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
                                      God wants YOU to forgive!
This song is written by: Mathew West -Forgiveness
God bless,
Mariah Goucher