Sunday, November 29, 2015


Lord let our light shine so bright that the whole world has no doubt we love you and we are your child! Let us act and speak in a way that pleases and glorifies you! Those of us that claim to love God and call ourselves "Christians" should know the meaning of the word "Christian"- it means Christ like...We need to take this title seriously, as people are watching us and we are to be example to all. There are people wanting to explore a relationship with God and may look to us desiring what Christ has given us and they may turn away and want nothing to do with him because of what they are seeing. They may think it hasn't changed or helped us at all so why bother. We need to honor Christ with the way we live and many of us "Christians" fail so miserably in this area. (Myself included!) Many people have been hurt by Christians and the church so they refuse to go back to church to learn God's word. This is very sad as church is suppose to be a place where you can feel comfortable, not feel judged by all you have done, fellowship, build relationship and worship the Lord. Some "Christians" are very judgmental and unloving even. If we want to become Christ like we need to pursue Jesus and what he says we are to act, speak and live our lives like. Jesus is our model, if you read the stories about Him his mercy, kindness, grace and forgiveness are very evident. He even shows these attributes to those who betrayed Him, mocked Him, ridiculed Him, beat Him and eventually killed Him.

The word of God says we are to be an example to all believers in what we say, in the way we live, in our love, faith and purity. 1 Timothy 4:5. We are to stay true to what is right for the sake of our salvation and the salvation of those who hear you. 1 Timothy 4:16. It also says to live wisely among who are not believers and make the most of every opportunity,  we are to let our conversations be gracious and attractive so that we will have the right response for everyone. Colossians 4:5-6. The Lord gives us a very clear picture and direction on how we are to live and behave as we are ambassadors for Him.

He says if we claim to accept him as our Lord and Savior our lives should reflect this claim. We should get rid of all anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, and dirty language Colossians 3:7-8 but instead clothe ourselves with tenderhearted, mercy, kindness, humility, and patience. Making allowances for each others faults and forgiving anyone who offends you. Colossians 3:12-13.

As I write this blog and go through the endless scripture in God's word about how we are to act, live and speak it has become abundantly clear I need to pray about this in my own life. He has opened my eyes to the fact that I'm not living as a light in this very dark world. He tells us that others should know that we are a Christian "Christ like" by our fruits that we will produce in our lives; Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control and I must say my fruit is rotten much of the time. He also says love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable and keeps no record of being wronged. If we love we never give up, never lose faith are always hopeful and we will endure through every circumstance
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and to be honest my love does not reflect his idea of love often times. He says to fix our thoughts on what is true and honorable and right and pure and lovely and admirable Ephesians 3:17-18 and instead I am a lot of times filling my mind with distressing and anxious thoughts. If we can start fixing our thoughts on the way Jesus wants us to act, speak and live on a daily basis we can become more like Christ and therefore draw others to him.

Being lovely will produce the mindset and personality which others find pleasing and enjoyable to be around. The mind of a Christian must be set on kindness, sympathy, forbearance and love if we are critical and always finding fault with one another nobody will see our fruit.

The Lord has spoke to me very clearly this morning as I have been struggling to be all that He wants me to be. He has shown me once again through his word how I am to act, think, speak and live and I am seeing clearly that I need to cover this area of my life in prayer and spend more time in his word reading on this topic. My deepest desire in life is to please my Father and to be a light in this dark world, I want others to see Christ through me. If I cannot show his love as he instructed me too how will I ever help lead anyone to him. If I am not showing his love, mercy, and grace to others and showing them how he has changed my life how will they believe that its true. If my life does not reflect Christ like behavior then I am not doing as he has asked!

Lord, forgive me for not being a good example to others all the time. Forgive me for my bitterness, rage, anger and harsh words I have used. Forgive me for not always showing the fruits of your spirit as I want so badly to be your light! Amen

God Bless You All,
Angie Goucher


I know the perfect example of someone who lets her light shine to all those around her I would like to give a HUGE shout out to Lorilee Addy! Love you Lorilee!
                                                                   Philippians 2:3-5
  Dont be selfish; don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in other people too. You must have the same attitude that Jesus Christ had. 

God Bless,
Mariah Goucher


Start a Fire in me by: "Unspoken"


Sunday, November 1, 2015


I wrote on the topic of suffering two weeks ago and after 3 hours of writing what I thought God wanted me to say was apparently not what he wanted as my computer shut down and I lost what I had written because I didn't save it. I was frustrated and confused as to why I had worked so hard on this particular blog to only have it disappear within seconds. I believed that God had something else in mind for this blog so I began pondering, reading and praying about it and started to write again.....

Almost everyone I know is suffering in way one or another whether it be physically, emotionally or spiritually. The pain and hardship is real and is very overwhelming. These hardships come in many forms...grief, marriage difficulties, financial stress, abuse and neglect, illnesses, crippling pain, disabilities, depression, anxiety, drug and alcohol addiction, people are starving and homeless, losing their jobs, homes and families, and many are so hopeless they are taking their own lives because the pain and suffering is to much and they see no other way out, leaving their loved ones behind.. confused and devastated.

Some are suffering because of bad choices they have made, some are suffering because of other peoples choices they have inflicted on them, and some are suffering because they are victims of circumstances which they cannot control..... regardless they are suffering.

We all have questions as to why there is so much suffering and why is God allowing it if he loves us and has the ability to stop it? We wonder if we are being punished. We wonder why he is not helping us or answering our prayers. We wonder what we did to deserve all the pain, suffering and heartache we are experiencing. Sometimes we even blame God and sometimes we even doubt there is a God. God said in the end times that the world will get increasing worse...Matthew 24:1-13,33,34, 2 Timothy 3:1-5. God also says that Satan is roaming around wanting to seek and destroy us. 1 Peter 5:8

 All the pain, heartache and suffering really began to overwhelm me and I realized I needed to ask God what it was I was suppose to do to help my loved ones... what was my part in all of this? Through prayer and reading God revealed to me that I could do something and that I needed to remember and remind my loved ones that God is with us always and if we allow Him to He will give us strength, peace and comfort through our storms. He is our Father and He hurts when He sees his children suffering. He is there in our joy AND in our darkest hours. We need to learn to cast our burdens, pain and sorrow upon Him. God wants us to cry out to Him, to trust Him, depend on Him, and to draw close to Him. He also wants to teach us to be compassionate people, to have sympathy and empathy for one another. He wants us to reach out to others and use our experiences, trials and tribulations to help others through their storms. He wants our eyes to be opened to the hurt, pain and suffering that people are going through and help them in whatever way we can. He wants us to stop being so complacent and non-chalent when we hear of yet again another tragedy. He wants us to wake up and quit being so wrapped up in our busy worlds so that we can see all he hurting people around us and do something to help them instead of saying.... "Oh that's so sad and moving on." He wants us to not only say we will pray for them but that we will actually PRAY for them!

We are bombarded with so many people suffering on a daily basis. We NEED to take action in the lives of those that God places on our hearts. We need to be there to comfort, offer a helping hand and a listening ear to the hopeless, grief stricken, and suffering people in our lives. We need to stop just saying we are there for them and really start being there for them in any way we can! We need to encourage our loved ones and build them up. We need to tell them we love them more often and tell them all the reasons why we love them. We need to let them know we appreciate them more.  We need to forgive people and quit taking offense to everything everybody does and says. We need to show more grace and compassion to one another. We are all way to hard on each other. We need to start paying more attention to people bottom line. ESPECIALLY OUR OWN CHILDREN OUR SPOUSES AND IMMEDIATE FAMILY!

The suffering is REAL and people are often times alone because we just don't have time to serve and love them as God has called us to do and the cost is high. People are taking their lives because they feel hopeless, alone and afraid. People are anxious, overwhelmed and depressed and we are all to busy to see it. People's marriages are falling apart, they are struggling financially, they are in physical and emotional turmoil and we are not helping them because we are to busy! Satan is reeking havect on this nation. He is killing and destroying us and his goal is to distract us so he can keep us from doing what God has called us to do... which is to love God, love others, to help and serve others, to build relationship with others and truly invest in their lives. We need to know that people care so we don't feel so alone in this crazy world.

Friends and Family its time to wake up! There is a war on for our lives, much is at stake and it is only going to get worse! Let's take a stand against Satan, let's open our eyes to the hurt and suffering and be obedient to God and do something for his children. Let's pray for opportunities and for God to free up some of our time so we can reach out to others and help them. Let's be bold enough to point these people we love to Jesus and assure them and give them hope that someday we will leave this pain and suffering behind once and for all and we will go to a place where there will be no more! Let's tell them about Heaven and how Glorious it will be and that they need to stay focused on the fact we are only here on this Earth for a short time and we will get to spend eternity in Heaven someday with our Lord! We need to take our eyes off ourselves and our problems for awhile and help others and I promise you it will help you in turn as well.

I am truly heartbroken for all those that are suffering. I cry out to God daily for those I love for some sort of relief and healing from it. But am I doing more than just praying for those that are hurting? NO! I don't understand it and often times I am very overwhelmed by all of it. I desperately want to help but don't know how so I will pray for God to show me how and he will if I ask. He places people on my mind and I try not to ignore the Holy Spirit and in that moment I will reach out... because if I don't right then and there I will forget or get to busy and move on. Listen to Him prompting you... if He brings someone to your mind there is a reason. Don't ignore it! Act on it right then if possible!

Lord, please come quickly and in the meantime  help us help others see you and trust in you in the midst of all their pain. Help us to serve, listen and be more aware of the hurt, pain and suffering around us and help us to remember you have a plan for our future!

For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  In those days when you pray I will listen. If you look wholeheartedly for me you will find me. Jeremiah 29:11  

God Bless,
Angie Goucher

It really bothers me when people say oh my God or OMG! That can be offensive to a lot of people and it is taking the Lords name in vain. Its one of the 10 commandments and you aren't supposed to say that. Its the 3rd commandment and it says "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain." It's in the Bible....  here is the verse: Exodus (20: 2-17) Someone at my youth group said oh my God and my youth group leader said that that was very offensive to a lot of people and that it was very rude to God. I always correct my friends about it because it bothers me, its very sad.  Everywhere I go someone always has to be there to say it... no matter where I go youth group, school, sometimes church. Almost everyone does it. Sad to think about but, so true that's the world that we live in. How about we show our creator some respect. 
God Bless,
Mariah Goucher.

                                                        He Knows...Jeremy Camp