Monday, June 15, 2015

May God's Goodness Abound In You!


To be filled with Goodness is to live a life of doing good things for others. We should live in such a way that people can see God's Goodness in us. If we can get into a habit of reading God's word and praying for Goodness to abound in our lives we can be completely equipped for God's works the scripture says. We can become people who overflow with Goodness with the help of the Holy Spirit! We may not do good all the time because we are human but as we grow more like Christ we can learn to become more loving and compassionate toward people even those we have a hard time getting along with. Because the reality is that even difficult people are God's children so we should be good to them.

Some people say the Bible is full of too many rules. But really it is our personal guide book to help us live and act in a wonderful Godly manner and to form and maintain good and healthy relationships with others. The amazing Word of God is TRUTH and it is all for our own good and for the good of others. God knows what is best for us and those around us and God wants us to be filled with Goodness. Don't you want to be different than the evil you see in this world today? I certainly do! I want to be a light in this very dark world so I will strive to be good! Won't you join me this week and try to be good to EVERYONE we encounter!

God Bless, 
 Angie Goucher

My baby girl Mariah and my wonderful friends Carol and Mike Peck and Nikki Cotter were baptized on June 3rd at beautiful Twin Lakes! What a wonderful and special occasion! My daughter was baptized by her daddy and my loving and awesome Uncle Dean and another Elder from Real Life Ministries came up and baptized the others. I am so proud that they gave their life to the Lord and I got to be a part of it! Praise God!
Father in heaven thank you for your goodness and Faithfulness in my life. Thank you for all that You've done for me in the past and for what you will do in my future... Help me keep my eyes on you. Help me stand strong in you and, look for your goodness all the days of my life... In Jesus name... Amen.
God Bless,
Mariah Goucher


  1. Beautiful and inspiring words... I wrote your words "May we become people who overflow with GooDNeSS, with the help of the HoLY SpiRiT" so that we may help others, in my journal. And your Mariah... it is such a blessing that her heart <3 is so connected to the Holy Spirit so young, and that she choose to follow JeSuS... just beautiful beyond words! I love you and your family ever so much! <3 Lorilee

  2. Thank you so much Lorilee you r a blessing to us too !!!!!!
