Sunday, May 31, 2015

Kindness is Contagious!

Our smallest acts of kindness can have a large impact on people's lives and most likely we will never know but our actions and words can be used to either build someone up and help them or tear them down and harm them.

Don't you wish there were more kind people in the world? If only we would smile at people more, give more compliments and encouragement to people we know or even those we don't. If only we would give a helping hand when you see someone needs it or even offer to help in some way! If only we would reach out to those that are hurting, those that are in pain, lonely or grieving. If only we would  truly care enough to just be there in whatever way we could. What a difference this would make in the lives of others!

There are so many kind things we could do that don't take a lot of time. My challenge this week for you and myself is to try and do at least one act of kindness a day for someone. God wants us to be kind to everyone...Let's do what he says! Let's be kind! It's contagious!

Here are a few simple ways you could show kindness to those you come in contact with this week...

1.) Send a note/card or gift to someone for no reason just to say thank you, your thinking about them or you are there for them.

2.) Give someone a genuine compliment-If you think someone looks pretty tell them, if they are doing a great thing tell them etc.

3.) Offer to help someone with something-everyone is so busy we could all use the help! And remember not to refuse the help if someone wants to help you. You may be robbing them of the blessing they will get from being able to help you!

4.) Call or text someone at least once a week to check in on them, especially those you know who are struggling with their health, marriages, loss, or finances. Maybe they just need a listening ear and prayer from you and just knowing you care enough to check on them could help them because they know someone cares.

5.) Look for ways you could help a stranger, for example help the elderly get their groceries in their car, help them reach something they can't reach etc.

6.) Talk and smile at people-Yes even strangers! Most of the time we are to busy to even see the hurting/lonely  people around us.

7.) Talk to and notice the children that are around you. Keep in mind many children are suffering with the high rate of divorce, abuse, neglect or parents who are simply self absorbed or to busy for them.

8.) Send an encouraging letter/ thank you to your teacher or child's teacher. They are rarely appreciated except maybe on teacher appreciation day.

9.) Tell a co-worker how Amazing they are and tell them why you think that.

10.) Spend quality time with your family, snuggle them, have a special day individually with your children, just you and them, give your children lots of praise this week, often times we just point out what their doing wrong and rarely focus on all they do right. Go visit your grandma or grandpa out of the blue.  Write a appreciation letter to your mom or dad and tell them how much you love them, your sorry for the mistakes you made when you were growing up and ask them if they need any help. Sometimes we do these things only on birthdays and or special occasions such as Mother's Day and Father's Day only! Surprise them!

11.) Offer to watch your friends children so they can rejuvenate and relax a bit. Hint! Hint! Just kidding!!!

There are so many ways to be kind to each other! Don't you love it when others are kind to you? Will you obey God when he gives you an opportunity to be kind to someone? Let's change the world around you and be kind to one another!
May God bless your week,
Angie Goucher
I am so EXCITED I'm getting baptised tomorrow with some of my friends at Twin Lakes by my daddy! 
Mariah Goucher

                                            Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to each other, forgiving each other, just as Jesus forgave you!  


  1. Mariah, that is wonderful to hear! Your parents must be so pleased!

  2. Great article and message! :-) congratulations Mariah, so excited for you! :-)

  3. This message couldn't have spoken more to me. Thank you Angie and Mariah. Congratulations on getting baptized Mariah, that is so wonderful!

    1. Thank you it was a awesome day! Love Mariah
