Monday, May 25, 2015

Let's Persevere to be Patient People!

All my life I have struggled with patience. This week I was able to examine my heart and look into God's word on why He thinks its so important to be patient. I had to ask myself the question...Am I loving, respectful, compassionate, slow to anger and patient like God wants me to be or am I resentful, intolerant, irritable, angry, rude and impatient. I did not like the answer I came up with unfortunately. I have come to realize that I really need to cover this area in my life in prayer.

 Even as I write this my patience is being tested!  As my son is having a meltdown, fighting with his brother, getting into things etc. How will I react? Well, I need God's help because left to myself, my reaction is not always the best! So I pray! Lord help me be patient!

We need to learn to trust God with our situations, our trials and our tribulations. We need to make a conscience effort to be patient people and  ask God to help us in this area because this world is filled with impatient people and trying circumstances and don't you want to be different from the world?

We tend to be temperamental, lose our cool and overact when things don't go our way or prayers aren't answered quick enough. Others are watching us and how we handle situations is very important, we need to set an example for our children and those around us.

This week I challenge you to take a look at yourself and be more aware of whether or not you need to pray about this area in your life. I definately need to pray for myself to have patience I've realized! Romans 8:25 says -If we look forward to something we don't yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently! May God richly bless your week!

Angie Goucher

Corinthians 13:4
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful and endures through EVERY circumstance.

God has the most amazing plan for you for your life, we just have to be patient for the amazing plan to come. I know it is hard for alot of people to have patience, and sometimes I am impatient too. God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes patience and alot of faith, but its worth the wait. So when you start to lose patience with someone, remember how PATIENT the Lord is with you!

God bless,
Mariah Goucher
An update from last weeks challenge of living a peaceful life....The week went fairly well, there were a couple days where I did not pray about peace in my life and found myself living once again in a unpeaceful situation. My dear friend Maria reminded me to start each day telling God how thankful I am for all I have and that will help me find peace for the day. She also offered to pray for me which I know has helped. The lesson I learned is if you surround yourself with uplifting, encouraging people that will invest in your life and pray for your needs and if you will also pray for peace daily you will find yourself becoming more of a peacemaker! Thank you Maria -Christina for being such a great and Godly friend to me!


  1. "How wonderful you are!" I try to keep patient by remembering and meditating on this one verse as many times I need it. This is just the one I live by it is actually stated many times through out the bible "The Lord is kind and merciful, slow to angry and rich in compassion. Psalms 103:8 Peace, Love, and Happiness. :)

  2. Very encouraging. Romans 8:25 was just what I needed. Mariah, "remember how PATIENT the Lord is with you." Yes indeed, very good.

  3. Thx yes it is a good verse! ~Mariah
