Sunday, May 17, 2015

Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS!

The Lord talks about how we can obtain true Peace, the kind that passes all understanding. Honestly, I struggle with Peace... and there is one reason and one reason only I believe... I need to ask for it, pray about it and seek it with all my heart DAILY and Jesus will help me obtain it.

 Unfortunately, we live in a very unpeaceful world and we will probably not obtain Perfect Peace until we are in Heaven with Jesus... but I believe we can obtain peaceful relationships with our family, friends, co-workers and most importantly ourselves.... but we have to want it bad enough and be willing to humble ourselves and ask the "Prince of Peace" for it.

I am going to challenge myself this week to pray, read and seek peace. I want to be a peacemaker and I am not, I want to be a peaceful person and I am not and I want others that are around me to have a peaceful experience and they do not. I am wrestling with Peace in my life and I simply want that to change.

How about you? Are you wrestling with Peace in your life today? Are you a peaceful person? Are you peaceful at home, when your with your friends and family, at work? I am challenging you to examine your heart and if you feel God is leading you to pray for Peace in these areas, I pray that you will take the challenge with me and lets all seek to have peace in our lives once and for all.

I will update you next week and let you know how my week went. Feel free to comment on how yours goes.

I wanted to get quotes from my two dear friends that have battled Cancer this past year and I'm sure struggled with Peace throughout this terrible time in their lives. Both parents of special needs children both have gone through or are still going through many trials on top of the cancer and manage to still stay strong, independent and God fearing along the way. I hope this helps... Just knowing that we all are struggling together and we all have so many hardships to face in this world that it why it is so important to be searching and seeking God's Peace daily.

Peace be with you my friends,
Angie Goucher

"My Peace is that I thank the Lord for the learning experiences that I go through even if I don't like them. I do question why and what I did to get so many trials and tribulations and then I look to see who and what I have in my life and then I am grateful. The people and things usually outweigh what I go through.... and this is my Peace." Sheree Cooper

" Honestly I have not found true peace in my life. I still struggle with it everyday. I pray to God everyday to give me the strength I need to forgive and forget what I went through."  Carol Peck
                                          John 14:27-28
I am leaving with you a gift-peace of mind and heart, And the peace I give isn't the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid. Remember what I told you: I am going away, but I will come back to you again.

Mariah Goucher


  1. Well put! :-) peace is a very important ingredient in our success in life! Without it we can't live a happy and full life.

  2. Wow amazing........ever sense I can remember I have loved peace. Ever sense I have taken on your challenge to pray ever day before the busyness starts and to do it as a family too. The big thing I ask for is peace with in and I always ask God to grace my friends family and co workers with his peace. It really boils down to " Let it go". If I can not forgive I will not move on in peace. and if you do not take the calming, relaxing, and at awe feeling of peace and utilized it than there will always be turmoil. My peace comes more to me when I get home, away from society, its a wonderful solitude. And being grateful for that, brings better peace. Freedom from disturbance. In today's life there is no freedom when in the hussel and bussel of living, unless you make it! Peace be with you! watching for your invite for the next blog. :)
