Sunday, May 10, 2015

Lord Let Us Be Excellent Mothers!

In honor of Mother’s Day we will take a break this week from the Fruits of the Spirit and resume next week.
I believe that Mothers should be recognized more than one day out of the year. Amongst the huge list of things mothers have to accomplish throughout each day lies the most important task - truly investing in our children’s lives.

So many children are suffering because their parents are too busy for them. Children need to feel secure that their parents love them and are truly interested and invested in their lives. God has entrusted us to teach them, prepare them for all that’s to come their way, to truly listen to them, to ask them questions, to discipline them, to pray for them and their future and most importantly to teach them the Love of God so when they face the on-going struggles of this world they know that God  will help them through it.

Giving praise and compliments to your child is so important for their souls. It builds their self esteem in a  cruel world that will often tear it down. Children believe what is said about them so if you invest in your child’s life and make sure they feel secure, special and loved they have a much better chance of feeling confident and joyful as they go into adulthood. We are expected to set an example so they will know how to treat their own children someday.

It’s never too late to start investing in your children’s lives and if you are not  a mom yet I encourage you to start praying about being an “EXCELLENT” mother. We should ALL be praying for God to help us be more patient, loving, kind encouraging and attentive to our children. HE WILL HELP US ACCOMPLISH THIS!!!

For those that have lost their mamas I pray for comfort, strength and peace for you. Losing your mom is one of the hardest things we have to endure in life. Knowing my mom is in Heaven with Jesus is really the only thing that gives me Peace.

Children love and appreciate your mamas! We all just assume MOM will always be there and then one day we wake up and she’s gone.  I wish I would have done so many things different with my mom. I wish I would have spent more time with her, talked to her more about things, told her I loved her more often, hugged and kissed her more, but unfortunately I was self absorbed and didn’t really get to know my mom until I was an adult.

I do not want regret when it comes to my children so I pray for my relationship with them to be one that is pleasing to God and I am praying for all you moms to do the same.

To all you Mothers, I wish you many blessings and hope you have a wonderful day!

God Bless,
Angie Goucher
My mom is the most wonderful person. She has three kids and 1 dog. She loves blogging and going to church. She is very outgoing. We all love her so much! She works with people who have special needs and boy does she have fun! She has a bold love for God and has a bible study that is great! My mom is smart and beautiful! Happy Mother’s Day may God bless your day!
Mariah Goucher


  1. Thank you my sweet baby girl! I love you with all my heart!

  2. I love you more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mariah

  3. Beautiful.........and I so agree with you all that it seems so much for a mother to carry.......I think to myself how do we do it? I believe God knew what he was doing when we came into the world, and he says it many times he will never give more than we can handle......I have to really think about that some times because there are many times God gave his disciples unbearable tasks so horrific that they questioned his requests. But at the same time I need to remember it is a gift given to share with others that you can pass it on. It may be ruff tuff now but "you will get through it" and the only way do that is to believe and have faith. I reach for help on gaining joy around my children. If it where not for out side help I am not sure I would be the mom I am today. I first ask for Gods help and walk the path he has folder out for me. And thanks to you Angie I have my children praying every day. :)
