Sunday, May 3, 2015

Fruits of the Spirit -Let us be Joyful!


I find it is hard to be joyful all the time especially when you have an endless list of "To Do's."   Our main focus in life seems to be how are we going to get everything done. We get up early, stay up late, avoid having any fun, keep our loved ones waiting and for what? To find that the list never ends! This is MY number one thing that steals my joy and if I am not grounded in the word and in prayer and asking God to help me have a  joyful day I can become quite the opposite!

What's your number one joybuster? I challenge you this week to try and identify what steals your joy and put it on your prayer list. I realize there is more than one thing that steals our joy but lets just try and focus this week on the thing that steals it most often.

My desire is to be joyful in all circumstances like Paul, he learned how to be content and joyful through his all his trials and tribulations. Paul was uncertain about his future, he was imprisioned, beaten, rejected, shipwrecked, amoungst so many other terrible things he had to endure and yet he learned to be joyful through all his unfortunate situations.

So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead. Even though you have to endure many trials for awhile. 1 Peter 1:6

God Bless,
Angie Goucher

                                              Psalm 37:4

     Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.             

     What makes me joyful is listening too Christan music. It can change my mood from Grummpy to happy :) If it hasen't been a good day, I would listen to Christan music ,or Pray!
                           Be a prayer warrior. Luke 21:36
                                      Mariah Goucher


  1. I have been pondering this one sense I read it on 5-9-2015 I even had notes wrote but of course they are lost in the joy comes from the very breath of life that God has given me......and at the same time that joy is taken away from old habits, life commandments and family traditions. I have told myself on a daily bases "Never be your parents" those family beliefs are not how I want to raise my children. My joy buster is being non active and productive in my family, community, and most of all in myself. This stills my joy when busyness and dysfunction gets in the way of my relationships. Thank you, you two, I love these blogs and I love the thought process behind them. God bless, going on to the next blog. :)

  2. I found my original draft so I wanted to share it. I wasn't to far off really.........Peace underlining of Joy. :) Joy - the thing that takes my joy the most is falling into being like my mom and dad when parenting my children. And being the wife I am, not what I seen as a role model. Those family planted seeds, core beliefs, core attitudes and beliefs that build your character. And when you find out as an adult that those core beliefs and attitudes are hard to change and most of them negative there is a lot of intervention needed to release it! Cognitive thinking can be changed but it is a rocky road. I learned this 15 years ago and still see the negative come out in some things. Which takes that joy that I thought was real and bring into a sense of fiction. And that is a core attitude and belief that is taking the joy right out of being a productive family member. Deep stuff and I thank you two very much for that! So to keep my Joy I have been working on and will continue to work on not being like my parents and to not produce the wrong type of family member that they rely on so very much!
