Sunday, October 4, 2015


Do you REALLY know who God is? His desire is for us to know him and be in deep relationship with him. We can't just go off what people have said about him... we need to seek the TRUTH about him ourselves, we need to be able to explain to others who he is as well.

I have been struggling for three weeks trying to write this blog and although explaining who God is should be an easy task I am finding it is mind boggling to say the least. I have been trying to come up with a way to show him in all his Glory and give him the justice he so deserves. How do I explain who God is? Well, I'm going to try my best, but no matter how much I try I will never be able to cover the complete splendor of His majesty.

First of all, God is the creator of all things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible!  Now let's just ponder that for a moment. He is the creator of  EVERYTHING... Let's start with man, he created man in his own image... He created you and I and every other human being. God also created us to have our own children and that in and of itself is a true miracle and blessing.  He created each and everyone of us different, not one of us is the same, each and everyone of us has a different set of fingerprints even, we are all so complex and so very unique. We have a complex body, mind and soul. He created us to be intelligent, relational, creative, spiritual, articulate, emotional, and able to make decisions, we  have also been given a conscience to be able to determine right from name just a few of our characteristics and attributes. There is so much to the Human body and brain that I could never write it all!

God created EVERY living creature of the land, air and sea, ALL the different animals, bugs, birds, and fish. They too are all different, unique and mysterious and we cannot even begin to count them all.

God created ALL the beautiful bodies of water from the powerful and majestic oceans to the beautiful creeks, lakes, rivers  and streams not to mention the most amazing waterfalls.

God created the most breathtaking scenery as well, he created all the different trees, shrubs, grass, sand, rocks, mountains, meadows, volcanoes, hot springs, glaciers and all the beautiful flowers, again all of them are different shapes, sizes and colors. He also created the vegetation, plants bearing seed  according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit according to their kinds.

God created the billions of stars and galaxies, the beautiful moon and the brilliant sun. He also created the light and darkness.

God created the seasons... winter, spring, summer and fall and the weather... snow, rain, sunshine, rainbows, the powerful and unexplainable thunder, lightning, wind and natural disasters.

 I cannot capture ALL his glory here and give ALL his creation justice in this writing but I want you to just think upon ALL the beauty he has created from man to our majestic surroundings. When you stop to think about the amazing beauty that surrounds us each day just remember WHO created that beauty.

Second, I will begin to try and give you a glimpse of some of his glorious, magnificent and unbelievable attributes He possess.

God never changes, He is the same yesterday, today and forever. In a world of constant change... one thing we can always count on is for God to be consistent. What He said in the beginning is the same today and it will be tomorrow! We don't have to guess or wonder, we can know without a doubt what He says will remain.

God is sovereign, infinite, all powerful and all knowing. You can't fool him, hide from him or keep things from Him, He knows what we are going to do before we even do it.
God is faithful and TRUE! What He says is the complete and absolute truth, no matter what anyone says or thinks... His TRUTH will prevail. 

God is trustworthy! In a world where there seems to be very little we can count on and trust in you can be assured that you can always count on Him and what He says you can completely trust!

God is always good, He is patient with us, (thank goodness) and is compassionate, kind and gentle. He is humble, wise, and is the Prince of Peace. He is filled with righteousness and holiness and delights in justice. He is our provider and He presides over every event in our lives, great or small. He is in control always. He will fulfill His promises, and He WILL win in the end! God is the Alpha and the Omega...The beginning and the end!

God gives us strength when we are weak, He gives us mercy and grace we do not deserve, He cares deeply about each one of us. God comforts us when we need it. He hears every cry and He catches each and every tear that falls. He can heal our hearts, body, mind and soul if we call upon him and allow him too. He doesn't condemn us and He forgives us for all we have done, even when we don't deserve it.
God is ETERNAL. He is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.....and he truly loves us...YES, the God of the universe, the one who created EVERYTHING truly loves each and everyone of us more than we can ever know, understand or imagine. He paid the ultimate price...He died for us so that we could be forgiven and free and so that we can spend eternity in heaven with Him. WOW! He is truly majestic and amazing isn't He! Don't you want to strive to be more like Him! I know I want to! It is so hard... but He can and will change us if we allow Him too.
Like I said in the beginning of this blog, it has been very difficult trying to explain who God is in all his splendor and majesty so I truly hope that I helped you see a glimpse of our King! Now lets praise Him for all he has done, all that He is, all He has given and all He has created and lets begin to tell everyone we know about our Glorious God!
God bless you,
Angie Goucher


Did everyone see the moon the other night? It was very pretty.... God made that blood moon and super moon mixed together for us!
God Bless, Mariah Goucher
I love this song it is one of my favorites.  

Former American Idol Star, Danny Gokey sings this beautiful song:


  1. I just want to encourage you Angie and Mariah, the message of who God is, was powerful and beautiful. We need to be reminded to Praise Him in All His Glory and to be thankful in EVERTHING. Mariah, I loved the song, I'm going to have to get that one for our listening. Love you guys

  2. Thank you Vivian so much for your encouraging words and for taking time to read our blog...It means so much to us! We love and Miss you so much!

  3. I know that is a very good song isn't it love and miss Mariah
