Sunday, February 14, 2016



I would like you to listen to the song at the bottom of this post before, during or after reading this blog if you would! Enjoy!

I have learned that bad things are going to happen in my life and in the lives of the ones I love and I want to get to a place in my life that I know that God is in control of these things and my part is to respond in a certain way in each and every circumstance. God is teaching me that when something difficult happens that I may not understand that I need to focus on Him and refuse to respond in the way I would WANT to respond. He is teaching me that I need to act and respond as he would.

In each circumstance and situation that arises we must ask ourselves...How would you respond Jesus? He wants us to pray about these troubling things and ask him to help us respond like he would. I believe if we do not consult Him first we will react like the rest of the world to difficult situations through anger, fear, hostility, judgment, and lack of concern or compassion.

Jesus wants us to open our eyes to the hurting and show them love in anyway we can. He wants us to see the broken and lost people in this world and reach out to them with love, compassion, forgiveness  and genuine concern. He wants us to point them in the right direction, to encourage them to seek Jesus for their comfort, peace and strength. We need to show grace and mercy to everyone as Jesus has given us much grace and mercy to us even though we may not deserve it and He expects us to do the same to others.

We live in a broken world, where there is so much pain, confusion, lack of sympathy and compassion for one another and for their needs. We live in a world where there is disappointment, death, sickness and depression. We live in a world that is filled with loneliness, broken homes and fighting amongst each other. Each and every day I am faced with something tragic going on with someone I know and love and that isn't going to change, it isn't going to get better. God says as the end nears there will be all kinds of calamity, that is how we will know it is close.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 says "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, boastful, arrogant, rude, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of Godliness but denying its power."

Doesn't this sound like our world today? So what can we do as Christians in the midst of this calamity and chaos that surrounds us on a daily basis? How can we refuse to be caught up in the destruction and react in a Godly manner with all this going on?

1.) Stand on the word of God-  know what He says about how we should act, think and behave and try to always stay true to what his word says for any situation that may arise. Believe it or not all the answers are in His word! Walk in His will in ALL areas of your life.

2.) Believe in the power of our Almighty God and trust that He is in control! He wins in the end! There is absolutely no doubt!  He says He will work ALL things out for good for those who love him. (Romans 8:28) Have complete faith in him, never falter from your faith no matter what trials and tribulations come your way! It is easy to have faith when things are going good but the true test of your faith is when trials and tribulations that are out of our control come our way. God never promises us a life without suffering He promises us that He will walk through the trials with us.

3.) Rely on Him in ALL situations and in ALL circumstances for your strength, comfort and peace. This is only going to come from Him and Him alone.

4.) Persist in prayer -don't turn to Him as a last resort only when all else has failed and the situation has become desperate. He should be the first person and last person you should go to.  Pray for those that you love that need prayer...Commit to it don't just say you will pray- follow through!

5.) Remember we are only here on this earth for a short time. All the pain suffering, tears and tragedy will soon be gone and we will get to spend the rest of Eternity in Heaven with our Lord and Savior.

6.) Refuse to sit around and wait for someone else to do what God has called us to do ourselves. Take action and listen to God and what He is telling you to do in the situations that arise. We need to listen to the Holy Spirit prompting us and respond without hesitation. Let's refuse to be complacent to all the hurting around us, reach out to people, encourage them and love them through their difficult times. They need to know someone cares enough to ask them how they are, that someone is there for them when they need help and that someone is praying for them.

What do you say we open our eyes and hearts and begin to be the person God has called us to be? Would you join me in prayer this week to see what that looks like for? Would you ask God to show you how and who he would like you to encourage, love and pray for? He will bring people to mind as you walk through your day and will you respond?

Dear Lord, I am all about myself so much of the time please open my eyes to your hurting people and allow me to be used in whatever way you see fit. Help me see what you see and respond how you would in each and every situation I face. Thank you God for the times you have opened my eyes in the past to the hurt that surrounds me, it has been such a blessing knowing I have followed your will. Remind me to pray for them and with them and help me to always point them to you.

In Jesus Name Amen

May God Bless You,
Angie Goucher

 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrew 10:24-25

God Bless,
Mariah Goucher                 

                                          Song by: Josh Wilson-- I Refuse



  1. Beautiful words. I have been working on a lot of this sense the beginning of 2015 and every time I prayed for guidance I so desperately wanted an answer. I was finally gifted by God to see where I am suppose to be and where I am today has been a huge blessing for me, my husband, and children. Even though it is a blessing beware the evil will be there to try and take that away. I guard myself with all interactions that I take place in. The devil is tricky and jealous. With the right out spoken prayer and healing he will be beaten by using the word of God in your faithful walk. Jesus in your name I pray. Amen.

  2. Beautiful words. I have been working on a lot of this sense the beginning of 2015 and every time I prayed for guidance I so desperately wanted an answer. I was finally gifted by God to see where I am suppose to be and where I am today has been a huge blessing for me, my husband, and children. Even though it is a blessing beware the evil will be there to try and take that away. I guard myself with all interactions that I take place in. The devil is tricky and jealous. With the right out spoken prayer and healing he will be beaten by using the word of God in your faithful walk. Jesus in your name I pray. Amen.
