Sunday, January 31, 2016


 Lord help me follow YOU in all my ways....

Lord help me seek you and your Kingdom first, help me to learn to value and desire to have a deep relationship with you always! Lord help me be obedient! Teach me your ways, show me how to love like you love Lord! I want to love so deep, so pure and so rare that it touches everyone I encounter.  Please give me a clean heart, a clear conscience and a sincere and strong faith. Lord help me to pray for myself and be in your word daily!  Help me to always live a life that will please and bring glory to your sweet name. Lord help me to follow you each and every day.

Lord teach me how to love my husband in a way he deserves to be loved! Help me to encourage him to be our spiritual leader always, and praise him for all he does for me and our family. Help me to respect him and his decisions. Help me to not take him for granted Lord! Help me listen to him and help him in any way I can especially when I see him struggling. Help me to be kind, loving, attentive and affectionate toward him. Lord help me learn to take care of myself spiritually, physically and emotionally so I am lovely in not only my appearance but also in my actions and words I speak to him. Lord help me to listen to him and not be so distracted by everything around me. Lord teach me that the most important thing I can do for my husband is to pray for him, myself and our relationship daily! My marriage and my husband are very important to you and I want to learn to follow what you have taught me about being a Godly wife. Lord keep my husband safe, healthy, happy and help him to continue to follow you and your ways.

Lord help me to care for, teach, inspire, and love my children unconditionally and bring them up to know and rely on you for EVERYTHING. Help me to raise my children in such a way that they have no doubt that YOU are Lord! Help me to teach them to learn to rely on YOU in times of sorrow, grief, pain, and disappointment and help me to also teach them to be thankful for all they have and to praise you regardless of what is going on in their lives. Lord, it is my job to teach my children to go to YOU to find joy, peace and hope. Help me to teach my children how much YOU love them and that your deepest desire is to have a relationship with them. Help me to set a example and be a good  role model for my children to follow. Help me to practice what I preach and not be a hypocrite. Help me to be aware that my mood and behavior effects my children greatly.  Help me to always forgive them for anything they may do that I don't agree with and pray they will do the same for me. Lord help me get this right...I don't get a second chance and my children's lives are at stake. Please Lord help me to always be attentive to my children and listen to them because what they have to say matters and is important. Lord please protect my children always, keep them safe, healthy, happy and guide their futures. Lord help me to follow the guidelines you have given me in your word.  Remind me to pray for their present situations and their future and help me to recognize that my children are a gift from you and to enjoy every minute you have given me.

Lord help me to see others as you see them, help me to care for them as you have instructed us to do!  Lord help me to see the hurting, the lost and the hopeless. Help me to not be so busy I miss the importance of being in relationship with your people. Lord help me to not give up on those who have hurt me, help me to always forgive and let go of any anger and resentment I may have toward someone. Please give me the strength, courage and boldness to encourage and point others to you for every situation and remind me to pray for them! Please help me to be uplifting, kind and generous to all I encounter in one way or another. Lord Let my life glorify you in all I do and say!

 I am often self absorbed and I care about many things but please help me to always stay focused on what matters to you most... and that is to follow you in all my ways!

Your Servant,
Angie Goucher


                                                                    Psalms 25: 4-7
Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Remember, Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old, do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways: according to your love remember me for you, Lord, are good.

God Bless,
Mariah Goucher

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