Wednesday, December 23, 2015


I have heard over and over from so many people this year that Christmas does not feel the same, even from the children! I believe God is trying to wake us up to the fact that we are not focusing on the real Reason for the Season, which is Jesus Christ! Christmas has become so commercialized, stressful, overdone and expensive. We run around liked crazed maniacs trying to get it all done in a month. We decorate, put up lights, get our trees up, bake cookies, shop until we drop, wrap presents and go to endless parties, plays and events, leaving us overwhelmed, broke, stressed and thoroughly exhausted often times wishing for the month to just be over! We worry about buying the perfect gifts and spend way to much money on them a lot of times using money we don't even have which leads to regret as now we have credit card debt to start off our brand new year with.

God did not intend for Christmas to be this way and I believe he is disappointed and is beginning to show many of us the reasons we are not satisfied and things feel different this Christmas. When I was a child my mom struggled to make ends meet, often times working three jobs to keep food on the table and clothes on our backs. We did not get a lot for Christmas presents, mainly homemade gifts the focus was not about gifts then and all the hoopla we all go through these days but I tell you those were the most memorable Christmas's for me! Being surrounded by love and laughter with my family was the best... but even then I don't really remember much emphasis put on Jesus other then the prayer before our Christmas dinner and Christmas Eve service if we went. Many families are not even getting together anymore which is very sad. I have heard over and over this year as well its just going to be my immediate family getting together. This just goes to show the disconnect of families now days people are spending less and less time with their families which is something I know God does not want!

How about if we were to take a look at our Christmas this year and vow to make some changes next year to make it more memorable and meaningful. How about we vow to seek what God wants for Christmas. How about we seek out the lost, hurting, grieving people and invite them to Christmas dinner? How about we get together with our families we have ignored and quit being so selfish and self absorbed making everything about us and our immediate family? How about we seek to give more to those that have little and serve those that need to be served next Christmas?  I believe if we can make an effort to start making some small changes on how we view Christmas... God will begin to use us where he wants us at Christmas (and throughout the year) We need to begin to see what Christmas is really suppose to be about and we really need to seek what God wants from us.

I am just as guilty as the rest when it comes to all I mentioned above. I buy to many presents, try and pack to many things into my schedule, don't give or serve as much as I should, haven't invited anyone in need to dinner, haven't reached out to my family, I am caught up in the world's view of how Christmas SHOULD be! But God is working on my heart this year and I truly hope I can get this right next year!

One of my good friends who has been struggling financially was telling me how despite her financial struggles and not getting to give their children the "Traditional Christmas Presents" this Christmas  that God has blessed her in abundance by meeting her needs and showing her the kindness of others who have given her gifts for her children, a Christmas tree, Christmas dinner and much love! She is content and happy with very little and so appreciative for all she has. We can all learn a BIG lesson from her!  Giving a little goes a long way, loving a little goes a long way and sharing a little goes a long way! We can also learn that you don't need to a lot to make you happy! She loves the Lord and is happy and content with just having Him and her family for Christmas! AMAZING!!

You see my friends, giving to others is what God wants for Christmas, helping others is what God wants for Christmas, spending quality time with our families is what God wants for Christmas, pointing others to Christ is what God wants for Christmas, seeking to know Him, have a relationship with and love Him everyday of our lives is what God wants for Christmas. Won't we give him what He wants and deserves for Christmas? If not this year because it might be to late maybe we strive for this for next year and years to come?

God please forgive me for not remembering the real reason for the season. The birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Help me to remember YOU and what YOU want not just on Christmas but everyday of the year from me! Lord help me teach my children to not focus on the stuff that keeps us from YOU this time of year! Lord I am guilty of the commercialized Christmas, where Santa, presents, parties and busyness often times gets more attention and honor than YOU and I am truly sorry! I want to put forth as much effort or more into YOU as I do into those THINGS because truly these THINGS just often times bog me down and stress me out! If I can get this right next year Lord I believe I will indeed have the most memorable and meaningful Christmas ever and I believe YOU will finally have want YOU want which is ME-ALL IN -ALWAYS! I love you Lord!

Merry Christmas to all my family and friends! I love and cherish you all so very much! May God richly bless you this Christmas as you too will hopefully want to give God the honor He so deserves!

Love to you all,
Angie Goucher
People forget that Christmas is about Jesus. Instead they spend too much money on presents, for their kids. Well it shouldn't be about the presents it shouldn't be about the Christmas tree, but about Jesus and celebrating his birthday and thanking him for all the blessings he gave us.

Merry Christmas,
Mariah Goucher

                        My all time favorite Christmas Song: Chris Tomlin singing O' Holy Night!
Thank you Maria Christina for singing this beautiful song at Camp and the Christmas Party this year!

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