Sunday, March 27, 2016


 I absolutely love Easter Sunday! What a wonderful celebration of God's love and a time to reflect all he endured for us on the cross! He suffered and paid the ultimate price for us...DEATH.  As I try and wrap my mind around and ponder all that he went through for us, suffering the most horrendous and humiliating death, it's truly mind boggling! Why would he do this for ME? I encourage you all to watch the Passion of the Christ if you haven't as it can give you an idea of what Jesus had to endure so that you and I could be forgiven but I still cannot comprehend the depth of his love for ME: He was despised and rejected, mocked, beaten and flogged,  his body was disfigured beyond recognition, he had the weight of the worlds sin on his shoulders, he was separated from God for a period of time... all for me? WHAT??  I need to remember EVERYDAY instead of just Easter Sunday what Jesus went through for ME! He was crucified on the cross for ME! And YOU!!! And even though it was a horrible thing that he had to endure it was also wonderful and miraculous... HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD! HE'S ALIVE!

Easter bunnies, eggs, yummy dinner and family time is all great and lots of fun but lets all remember why we celebrate this holiday! HE'S ALIVE!

The music video below has a bit of the Passion of the Christ movie in it. Take a peak and see a glimpse of what he has done for you!

Have a Blessed Easter,
Angie Goucher


 Now Jesus was going to Jerusalem. On the way, he took the twelve aside and said to them "We are going to up to Jerusalem, the son of man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teacher of the law. They will condemn him to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life!" Matthew  20:17-19

Happy Easter,
Mariah Goucher


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