Sunday, April 17, 2016

Inspiring Little Bits-1 year anniversary!

This month marks the one year anniversary that me and my beautiful daughter Mariah began the Inspiring Little Bits Blog. It has been an amazing journey for us as mother and daughter! I am not one to follow through with things in my personal life so I am really excited and thankful to God that we have been faithful with some thing!  It has been so fun and rewarding writing this blog with my daughter and I am so proud of her and her love for the Lord!

God wants us to use our gifts and talents to bless others, and unfortunately I really don't have a lot of talent but I  have always had a desire to write and truly love it! The truth be told, I began this for myself and for a way for me and my daughter to spend time together and have an outlet to get to know the Lord in a more personal and intimate way, but my hope is that over the past year what God has revealed to us has in turn helped at least one person.

I absolutely love to spend time with my Lord, I treasure it and look forward to it, but it has been challenging to say the least at times to find the time in my very busy schedule to study and be still and spend quality quiet time with the Him so I can hear what it is he wants me to say. He has revealed so much to me and my daughter this past year through this process. He has opened my eyes to His love for me and how He desires to be in deep relationship with me. He has helped me recognize that I must stay in His word and be praying at all times for the areas in my life that need attention. God has reminded me that he wants me to be in relationship with others on a deeper level and that I need to be ready to point them to Him when given the opportunity. He has helped me realize that with Him I can do all things, I can have hope, peace and joy in this crazy world and through my trials and tribulations. He has revealed to me that without Him I cannot be a good wife, mother, friend, employee because left to myself I am really no good! He has revealed to me that all the areas in my life I struggle with need to be covered in prayer. I can be very selfish but He has revealed that it isn't all about me. Believe me I still struggle with all I have learned over this past year but I am trying and I know that God is blessing me for pressing on.

I remember the first couple blogs I wrote when it was time to hit the SHARE button it was intimidating and kind of scary as I really didn't know how people would react. I was worried what they thought about me a bit. I thought maybe they were thinking I was a Jesus Freak or something. Well the Lord has taken that fear away. He has given me a boldness I never knew existed and has brought me to a place where I am not ashamed to share all He has done for me!  Why would I want to hide the fact that I am His child and I am nothing without Him! I hope in some way it has INSPIRED and gave you the courage to share your Faith as well and that you have become more sensitive to His voice prompting you to do so!

I want to thank those that have given me encouragement throughout this past year and have given me  inspiring little bits to write about. I also want to thank those that have taken time out of their busy schedules to read our blog, it means a lot to us!

I want to thank those that inspired me to start Inspiring Little Bits because of your love, support and encouragement I began this journey with My Lord and my daughter! Misti Borgen, Susan Brossman, Vivian Brossman and Cherie Lewis.

I am very much looking forward to this upcoming year and all that God has in store. Won't you join me on this journey?

God Bless,
Angie Goucher

This past year has been exciting for me and I have got to experience a lot of neat opportunities with the Lord! I got to go to 2 really fun Christian concerts with my friends and my wonderful mom at the Spokane arena. The Rock and Worship Roadshow and the Winter Jam. These were my first concerts. I was baptized by my daddy in Twin Lakes along with our good friends Carol and Mike Peck and Nikki Cotter. I got to got to go the Real Life Ministries Rock The County which was a blast. At my school we pray around the flag pole every Monday, Tuesday and Friday which I love to be a part of. I started going to youth group this year and love it! It is amazing and so much fun. I love our youth pastor Heath, he is so much fun! The leaders invited our youth group to a BBQ and bonfire at their house... spending time with others from our youth group is fun! Last night I got to go to Lake City and Real Life Ministries worship night for the middle school with one of my best friends Brandy.  I started this blog with my beautiful mom this year as well...I am blessed and feel very lucky to have such a great life! This year has been spectacular! I hope the next year will be as great if not greater!!! Thanks for reading our blog!

God bless,

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