Sunday, July 17, 2016


Lord as I ponder my short time on this Earth I have found I have been asking myself what I have been doing to ensure others see YOU through me in my actions, words and how I present myself. How will people remember me when I am gone? I am not sure I like what I have discovered but am so thankful you have revealed to me so many areas I can work on!

Some of the questions You brought to my mind are: Will they look back on our conversations and time spent together with fond memories, will they remember encouraging words I have spoken to them, and prayers I have said for them or with them? Did I lend a helping hand when they needed it or a listening ear? Did I give them Godly advice no matter how tough it may have been to say or hear? Did I point them to You  Jesus in time of tribulations and trials and help them recognize the need to rely and trust You and always put You first? Did I tell them no matter what happens in this crazy world You will always be there for them? Did I share my testimony with them and tell them what you have done in my life? Did I share my own tribulations, my trials, grief, sorrow and or miracles with them and explain to them I couldn't have made it through these times without you?
Did I remind them to not always focus on the negative and remember to be thankful for all they have been given? Will they remember quality time I spent with them, that I actually took time to get to know them and valued their existence here on this Earth? Will they remember I lifted them up when they needed it and did I them how much I appreciated all they done and how they made a difference in my life? Will they remember me as a positive person full of the joy or a negative, irritable and angry individual? Will they remember me as a person who gossips or a person who stands up for those who are being gossiped about? Will I have shared my Faith with them at all? WOW! So many questions I have had to ask myself, if I really want to leave Your Legacy Lord things are going to need to change in my life especially where my immediate family is concerned!

I want my children to remember the fun times we had together as a family and have lasting and meaningful memories. I want them to remember how I comforted them in times of sorrow and pain and cried with them, talked to them and loved them through it and also pointed them to you for comfort, peace and strength. I want them to remember how we prayed together for our family, friends, and even strangers and our trials,and tribulations and how we thanked you for our answered prayers and many blessings. I want them to remember how we laughed together, snuggled and spent quality time together. I want them to look back and remember all the good times and not dwell on the bad. I want them to remember how we talked about their day, their interests, hobbies, friends, hopes and dreams and that I was also there for their disappointments and trails they will endure. Most importantly I want them to know without a doubt how much I love them and cherish them as a beautiful gift from You God and that they can be assured we will see each other again in Heaven.

I want my husband to look back on our many years together and remember we fought for our marriage and even though it was tough at times we stayed together for our children and because we took our vows before You Lord and be proud of how hard we worked to make our marriage work.  I want my husband to see the devotion I put forth for my family and be able to say that his wife loved the Lord and tried her best to teach her children to as well. I want my husband to say I put his needs before my own and that I took time out to listen, laugh, snuggle and encourage him. I want my husband to know how much I appreciate him and how grateful I am for all he has done for me and  our family. I want my husband to know that I am so proud of him for who he has become and the great father and husband he is. I want him to know he is loved and adored by his wife Lord.... but sadly I am failing!! WHY???

Lord, I want to leave YOUR Legacy... one that reflects who You are and who You have taught me to be. I cannot do this without You Lord! I am failing miserably! Thank you for bringing this to light in my life, help me to always remember it and work toward leaving a Godly Legacy, one that people say at the end of my life on this Earth... Wow she really loved the Lord and it showed in her actions, words, thoughts and personality.

How about you? Do you want to leave a Legacy? How will the people that you love or encounter remember you after your gone? Ponder that for awhile!

God Bless You All,
Angie Goucher
Have you ever had a friend that made you laugh the minute you get together? I am blessed to have that kind of friend! Her name is Lily Sitar and we have known each other since we were babies stealing each others binkies. Lily is so happy all the time and when we are together we laugh the whole time. I love being with her, she brings such joy to my heart. When I am with her I can just be myself and I forget about everything but just having fun! Lily has left a lasting legacy in my life and I love her so much! I hope you all have that kind of friend! Thank you Lily for being such a wonderful friend for the past 12 years and thank you God for giving me her! Friends till the end Jimmy! Serious Unicorn! LOL

God Bless,

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