Sunday, September 18, 2016


Recharge me Lord as I am weary and tired! I feel like my life is out of control at times. So much to do, so incredibly busy, so overwhelmed and I do not know how to slow it down! So many thoughts running through my head and things to remember, the to do lists seem to become longer and longer everyday, and I feel as if I can never catch up! I pack my days so full that my head is spinning and I feel emotionally and mentally exhausted trying to keep up with life's demands.

Lord, when did it become like this for all of us? Why have we become people of constant busyness? When you ask the common question "how are you doing?" it seems the same response is given over and over again. "I'm busy, just so busy!" Why do we expect so much from ourselves and why do others expect so much from us? Lord, when do we say enough is enough and learn to just let some things wait or choose to say no to some things altogether. Why do we feel like a failure if we don't accomplish our to do lists and the expectations we set for ourselves for the day. Why can't we just be satisfied with what we DID do instead! Why do we think completing these endless to do lists are more important than having a relationship with You, our family and or our friends? When will we begin to prioritize and make time for what is important to You? When will we begin to ask You what is on Your list for me to do today Lord?

Satan has me so exhausted, overwhelmed, irritable and distracted. I sometimes even treat people poorly and or act as if I am mad or irritated because I am so busy. Sometimes I don't really hear what people are saying to me like my children, husband and or co-workers and sometimes I even snap at them because they interrupt my busyness.  This is definitely not how You want me to act Lord, I know that for sure!  Satan is working very hard to keep me from the things You want for me and my life! I lose hope at times that things will ever change! I am tired, weary and burdened Lord with all the STUFF that clouds my view from You and those I love! I know that when I take time to seek You Lord especially before my day starts You never lead me astray, but why do I choose to go on apart from you most of the time and do things in my own strength?

Lord, help me start my day with You everyday!  I know if I do, You will give me strength to get through what I need to do, let go of what I don't, and begin to prioritize my day so that I will be focused on bringing You glory in all that I do! Help me to remember I am working for You Lord not for men, as it says we are to do in Your word. (Colossians 3:23)  When I am exhausted and worn out, weak and weary please let me not feel guilty about resting as you have commanded us to rest at least one day a week because you know we need it. (Exodus 20:8) I know You want me to see Your people Lord in the midst of these crazy days as well, please help me to respond to those around me, comfort them, listen to them, help them and encourage them to also seek You, so that they too will learn to rely on you for strength to get them through their busy days as well and rest when they need it.

Are you to busy? To busy for your husband, children, family and or friends? Are you to busy for God himself? Do you need to evaluate your busy life and see if there is something you can do differently, maybe there are chores that can wait, such as the pile of dishes or dirty laundry so that you may spend a bit of time with Jesus and quality time with those you love? Something has got to change, the people we love are suffering because we are all just to busy and we are all on the verge of a nervous breakdown from going full bore all day everyday!

God Bless,
Angie Goucher

As I get older, I am finding that I am becoming more and more busy! Please Lord help me never become to busy for You or my family and friends!
Come to me all who are weary and heavy burden and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Mariah Goucher

We get to see Matthew West at Winter Jam 2016!!!! Check out this song!

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