Monday, January 2, 2017


Have you ever had the devil whisper lies to you such as: Your not good enough, thin enough, talented enough, smart enough?  Maybe you are trying to help others and he whispers things like your not making a difference, nobody even cares or appreciates what your doing so why even bother!  He might even say why are you being nice to them they aren't nice to you! They don't do things for you so why should you do things for them? You've been praying that same prayer forever and nothing ever changes and or they don't pray for me so why should I pray for them!

Self doubt and comparison are some of the devils most powerful tactics. His goal is to tear you down and make you feel unworthy and keep you from doing what ever it is your trying to do or what ever it is God wants you to do. He wants to seek and destroy us with his web of lies by placing fear, doubt and insecurities in your mind. He loves it when we don't believe in ourselves and give up on the good things we are doing. He thoroughly enjoys watching us get frustrated and lose hope.

The devil has whispered plenty of this kind of thing into my ears over the years! Most recently he whispered this about this blog me and my beautiful daughter write together! He said things like its to hard and to time consuming, nobody even reads it or cares, your not inspiring anyone with the word of God so why are you bothering.

The very day he whispered these lies to me, I went out for a birthday dinner with my dear friends Carol, Debi, Maria and Misti.  My friend Carol handed me my present, it was a Bible (which I've been wanting a new one for a very long time) and on the front cover of the Bible it says "Inspire" she said to me, my hope is that this will "Inspire" you to write your blog again, its been awhile. I literally couldn't believe it and shared with them the lie the devil had been whispering into my ear that very day. They all encouraged me to write again, and told me they missed reading it and missed reading Mariah's child like profession of faith. They reminded me how good it is for her to do this with her mama. It was just what I needed to hear and God knew that I needed to hear it.  I was sharing this lie from the devil with my cousin Georgie and he also gave some words of wisdom, he said you never know who your inspiring, if you even inspire one person with what your writing and that one person does better in their walk with the Lord and shares it in some way with whoever is in their lives then you never really know how many lives it will effect. If someone reads something they are struggling with it may help them look at it differently and try and work on it, and in turn it is helping whoever they are around. WOW!! GOD IS GOOD!!!

I for so long enjoyed writing but then the devil spoke his lies to me and told me it was to hard, you don't have the time, nobody is even reading it so why bother, and its not inspiring anyone! God immediately spoke truth back into my heart and said, "I'm not finished with you yet"  "My word never comes back void!"

If you are struggling with the devils continuous lies about how your not good enough, smart enough, thin enough, or he is telling you what your doing for God's kingdom is not making a bit a difference I encourage you today to not listen!  Do not give up!  The enemy is deceitful and his intentions are to destroy you physically, mentally and emotionally!  He manifests himself in the form of stress, confusion, addiction, depression, anxiety, fear, self doubt, lack of hope, amongst many other things. This lie will usually surface when you are at your lowest and darkest points. We need to learn to seek God for what He says about who we are and what He wants us to do. After all He created us to be exactly how He wanted us to be and God does not make mistakes and He has so much good planned for us if we are willing to listen and obey! We need to learn to take every thought captive and listen to the voice of truth!

I want to thank my amazing friends Carol, Debi, Maria and Misti and my cousin Georgie who encouraged me to keep on inspiring and to not give up! I love you all!!

God Bless and Happy New Year,
Angie Goucher

1 Peter 5:8
 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

-Mariah Goucher

Casting Crowns - The Voice of Truth

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