Sunday, February 12, 2017


My daughter Mariah loves the movie War Room and wanted to make one in our house! If you haven't seen it I would highly recommend it! It is a great movie!  I think it is so amazing that my baby girl wanted to make a "War Room" at her age.  I knew we needed to before the desire left her precious heart. So we did! For those of you who haven't seen the movie the concept basically is to clear out a room or space for you to spend quality time with the Lord, praying and crying out to Him, reading His word, writing your prayers and posting them on the wall. It is my hope that it will be a place where my family will become prayer warriors! But don't be surprised if decide to make your own "War Room" and the enemy begins to attack you and your family, as that is exactly what happen to us 2 days after making our room. He does not want us to pray and spend time with our Lord and he will do anything and everything to discourage and distract us from anything good!

More than anything my heart desires to be a prayer warrior! I want people to be assured without a shadow of a doubt that when I say I am praying for them that they can count on that! So many people I believe, say that they will pray for people and then never do. We need to take it seriously when we say we will pray for someone and do as we say!

There is so much we need be praying about, so many people who are struggling, and hurting. They might be struggling financially, mentally, emotionally and or physically. They may have lost someone they love and need prayers for comfort and peace. They might be sick and need prayers for healing and strength. They may need prayers for their marriages, their children or a family member who is struggling with something. Let's pray for them!!! We need to be praying for our children and their futures. We need to pray that our precious children marry someone that will treat them right and love them unconditionally and that they choose someone who loves God. We need to be praying for our children's health, their happiness, their educations and most importantly that they rely on God for EVERYTHING!!! We need to be praying for our spouses that they will be exceptional and attentive parent to our children, we need to be praying that they set good example for our children and that they will love them no matter what they do. We need to pray for our spouses physical and emotional well being. We need to pray for our country, our teachers, our leaders, our pastors. WE NEED TO STOP SAYING WE ARE PRAYING AND ACTUALLY BEGIN TO DO IT!!!! There is to much at stake!

The Lord says, Rejoice always, pray continually, giving thanks in all circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. He says to not be anxious for ANYTHING but in every situation by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving let your requests be known. Philippians 4:6. Do you believe what He says? Do you trust Him? HE SAYS TO NOT BE ANXIOUS FOR ANYTHING!!!! I fall back on this verse daily as the devil likes to place fear, doubt and anxiety in my mind continually!

Sometimes life and circumstances can be so overwhelming, painful, frustrating, and hopeless that it takes great strength to even muster up a small prayer, let alone pray for the bigger issues we face.  You may feel you have prayed continually for so long and your losing hope that things are ever going to change. You may feel like giving up because He is just not listening. Hey, believe me I get it, I have prayed certain prayers all my Christian life and have yet to have those prayers completely answered and there are others that seem to get answered sooner. Some prayers may not get answered in the fashion we are looking for either, we may need to reflect back as there is always something within the situation that we can learn from, help others with, or be thankful for even if the outcome we were looking for never happens.

A lot of people grumble, complain, stress and worry over things in their lives but they fail to bring these things to God. The devil wants us to be anxious, hopeless and worried about our situations we face but if we can learn to lay our burdens at the feet of Jesus, He promises to give us peace, hope, strength and often times miracles in these situations. It helps me just knowing that God is there, He is listening, He cares about ME and loves ME so much! His desire is to hear from us in ALL circumstances not just those that weigh heavily on our minds. Don't be afraid to ask others to pray for your circumstances or for your loved ones. Pick trusted friends or family that you know will pray for you and that will not share your private affairs with others or judge you.

God is everywhere, He is with us all the time, He is waiting to hear from us, no prayer is too great for Him and no prayer is to small. Nothing takes Him by surprise! He knows what is best for us and He knows what we need before we even ask.  Matthew 6:8. He wants us to pray with faith, knowing and believing that our prayers will be answered. Hebrews 11:6. He wants us to pray with clean hands and a pure heart, Psalm 24:3-4.  He wants us to pray genuine heart felt prayers, rather than vain repetitions, Matthew 6:7 and He wants us to pray regularly and in detail. Prayers matter don't ever doubt that, they matter to God, they matter to us and they matter to others. The greatest gift you can give to others is the gift of prayer. I love knowing others care about me enough to pray for me.

The most important prayer we need to be praying is praying for those that are lost. We need to pray that God will orchestrate circumstances in the lives of our loved ones who do not believe so that will turn their lives toward Him. We should be praying that we can be used in a mighty way to show them the hands and feet of Jesus so that our loved ones will see His goodness. We should be praying for boldness and discernment so we are not afraid to share the love of Jesus and so we are only sharing what and when he wants us to.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please help me fulfill my hearts desire and become a Prayer Warrior! Remind me daily the importance of spending time with you in your word, prayer and worship! I love you Lord, and I believe in your promises! I believe and have faith wholeheartedly that prayer changes everything. I believe and I have witnessed prayer changing the hearts and minds of so many around me and myself!  Help me to remember that it is my honor and privilege to come to you directly. It's in your precious name that I pray, Amen!

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7

Here is a few things you can use to help you in your prayer life:
On the spot prayer-pray during the day when you are doing things and if you say that you will pray for someone do it right then wherever you are at so you don't forget.
Bring it to the elders to pray-James 5:14
Where two or more are gathered pray-Matthew 18:20
Be thankful NOT anxious while praying-Philippians 4:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:16
Never cease praying ( NEVER STOP) -1 Thessalonians 5:16
Commit to prayer-Colossians 4:2
Ask others to pray- James 5:16
Get on your knees and pray-Malachi 19-14, Ephesians 3:14, 2 Chronicles 7:14
Pray the big and small things, Pray about everything-Philippians 4:6
Journaling your prayers-This is a great way to look back and see your prayers that have been answered and give thanks and it is also a reminder so that you do not forget to pray for those people you love and or said you would pray for.

God Bless,
Angie Goucher


One of my youth group leaders was talking about how people tend to only pray when their in trouble instead of just praying all the time like we should be. I try and pray at least once a day for those I love. I believe prayer works and I have seen many of my prayers answered, sometimes I forget to thank God for the ones He does answer though. I am Sorry God! Thank you God for letting us make a "War Room" so that me and my family spend more time with in prayer!

Dear Lord without you I have nothing and I am nothing. I need you every moment, every day, every second that I breathe. You are my joy and  my strength.  I am not strong enough on my own. Amen

God Bless,
Mariah Goucher

                                            7eventh Time Down - "Just Say Jesus"

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