Monday, May 29, 2017

Lord, help us to be part of changing this messed up world!

This is what the Lord brought to my mind in a matter of minutes one afternoon as I pondered why the world is so out of control:

1.) The music we listen to, almost every song out there these days is filled with filthy lyrics.

2.) What we watch on TV or movies, it seems that the news and everything you watch is either negative or full of cussing, sex, violence, drugs, drinking or something bad.

3.) The internet, our phone, tablets, Ipods, video games, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Snapchat has replaced real relationships, playtime for our kids, and everyone seeking approval and looking at others lives comparing their own to what they see on social media. Social media can lead us into dangerous territory if we let it consume the little bit of extra time we have in our days and can leave us feeling empty, lonely and incontient with our lives. We spend more time on the internet because it seems to have all the answers and of course everything we read is true. Right?  We text meaningless messages instead of calling people or going to visit our loved ones to see how they are really doing. We let our children be babysat by devices so the family relationship is gone. We spend far to much time on social media and not enough time in real relationship with one another. I believe whole heartedly that the devil has devised a plan and is winning in this area of our lives.

4.) Trying to live up to everybody's high expectations, how we dress, what we drive, what house we live in, if we are good enough at our jobs, in school, sports, and everything in general.-Nobody is good enough, mistakes are not tolerated, and people are belittled, gossiped about and critized by nasty comments from others if a mistake is made or expectations aren't met. We need to give more grace, encouragement and praise instead of only pointing out when someone does something wrong.

5.) Unrealistic expectations we put on ourselves, if we don't live up to them we are very disappointed in ourselves. The devil loves to place these lies in our heads and we listen to him instead of listening to the One who created us in HIS image.

6.) We live in a very self-absorbed world, not taking time to check on, care for, help or love those that are hurting around us. People are broken, suicidal, lonely, grieving, sick and depressed but we seem to not see it, we ignore it or we just don't care or have the time to try and help in some way. We lack sympathy and empathy toward one another.

7.) Families are distant and are at odds with one another, instead of working differences out, forgiving, excepting, and loving each other despite their mistakes, people just chose to never have a relationship with them again.

8.) We are choosing to spend time with people who are not good for us. Many times we choose friends that really do not care about us, they don't encourage us, help or love us they are only wanting a good time and once the good time is over so are you in their lives, or you become just like them, I always tell my daughter, you are who you hang out with, if not at first you will become more and more like them as time goes on and that is why it is so important that we are very careful who we keep company with and let our children hang out with. 1 Corinthians 15:33- Do not be deceived, "bad company ruins good morals."

9.) Even though we are self absorbed we don't care enough about ourselves to invest in things that are good for us like eating right, exercising, stopping the addictions, spending quality time with our families, praying for ourselves or spending time with God and we definitely don't rest as God has commanded us to do. We feel guilty if we rest, but He says we need to take one day out of each week and just rest, relax and rejuvenate. If we choose to not rest we will begin our week exhausted and overwhelmed as most of us do. This was so important to God that He made it one of the 10 commandments.

10.) This world is full of sin everywhere you go people you can't get away from it, people seem to not have a conscious, they seem to not care if they hurt or harm people with their words or actions. You can't go anywhere without sin entering your mind because it is everywhere you look and you certainly can't stand up for what you know is right or your judged and condemned from others.

11.) Drugs are easily accessible and some drugs are even legal and alcohol is the norm, to have a good time you must drink and or do drugs.

12.) People are entitled, spoiled brats and think they deserve everything handed to them instead of working hard to get it. It is hard to find hard working people anymore.

13.) Parents are not paying attention to their children because their just to busy. They are not investing in their lives, teaching them to respect others, love others and love themselves. Parents are not teaching their children about God and how God wants them to live and or turn to Him in times of trials and tribulations so children are lonely, depressed, suicidal, in trouble and looking for love in all the wrong places or looking for ways to help them be content. Children are also not being taught to be thankful for all that they have, they are often taught to want more and more. If I only had this it will make me happy, they learn this mentality from us always wanting the next thing. Children can be so mean these days and maybe if parents would spend quality time with their children, they would feel happy and secure with themselves and they wouldn't be so angry and hostile toward one another. Children are very disrespectful and disobedient to their parents as well and parents are not giving their children consequences and discipline so they will learn from their mistakes and strive to do better. It is our job as parents to teach our children and show them that they are loved, and that God has a plan for their lives. He has entrusted us with these precious little ones, we need to take this very seriously.

14.) We are not only NOT investing enough time in our own children's lives but it seems we just don't really care about the children  either. It is very sad, as it used to be that families gathered with sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas and children grew up knowing they could count on other family members to love, encourage and be there for them.  It seems you see less and less of this in families. Extended family members are not there for each other anymore, They are not investing in each others lives, caring for one another, having fun with one another and our children need more than just their parents to help them in this crazy life. I want to thank the few people that are investing in my children's lives, it means so much to them and me. My children deeply desire to have a relationship outside of just the ones they have with their immediate family and I am sure this is the case for most children.

15.) Some parents and people do not care how they act or talk in front of their children or other peoples children. They don't watch their mouths, they may cuss, bad mouth people, be disrespectful or rude to others, they may tell everything about their bad relationships to their child and or bad mouth the relationship even if that bad relationship is their other parent. Children are so vulnerable and impressionable and should not be exposed to filthy language, rude and obnoxious behavior, drunkenness, or drugs and or topics they are to young to even think or worry about. Parents need to grow up and realize that their bad choices and behavior will leave a lasting, negative impression on their little ones, and may someday even lead to them behaving similar if not worse to their our children. We are supposed to protect and guard our children's hearts and not hinder them in any way! Matthew 9:42 "Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea."

16.) We have taken God out of the equation, we used to live in a world where it was...In God We Trust on our money, One Nation Under God, was what our children pledged to each morning, God Bless America is what we sang, we laid our hands on the Bible to swear that it was the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God, prayer was part of school and now has been taking out of the schools and not tolerated before any activity, The ten commandments have been removed from parks, schools and courthouses. Christians cannot even speak His name without being persecuted, ridiculed and slandered. Why is the name of Jesus so offensive to those who don't believe, I'll never understand. If you don't believe in Him that's your choice but I do believe and I should be able to worship, pray and acknowledge Him how I choose too, but before long this freedom will be gone completely.

 God tells us to love, forgive, show grace, mercy, compassion, kindness, gentleness, and patience with one another. He tells us to be respectful hospitable, pure, tenderhearted and humble. He also tells us to be sober and self controlled. But what I see in this world is quite the opposite. I see a slanderous, intolerant, impatient, unloving, unforgiving, prideful, deceitful, anything goes society and quite frankly its exhausting and disheartening.

I know there is more believe me, but this I believe is what God wanted me to write today. I hear all the time how out of control the world has become, so what can we do to be the change we are all desiring to see. Well, that's really up to us, we have a choice to continue to be part of the problem or we can chose to do our part to help change this crazy world we live in. Read back through the things listed and chose the ones you are struggling with and make a commitment to start the change in your life! I know God has convicted me in many of these areas as I am writing and I now have a choice to ignore what He is saying or be a part of changing my world that I live in. The time is drawing near, this is what God's word says about the end times:

2 Timothy 3:1-5
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will become lovers of themselves, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal and not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

This about sums it up right? The answer is to avoid all this non-sense, pray for our country, our family, friends and ourselves but steer clear of all the sin of this world and do our best to live good and pure lives.

God Bless,
Angie Goucher


I despise that sometimes when you go to a restaurant you will find a family sitting at a table and they are all playing on their devices. These devices that people keep making are destroying our social life with our friends family and relationships. All the kids in families are in their bedrooms on their devices not socializing with their family, and the parents don't seem to care. this annoys me very much. Kids are just becoming more and more lazy and addicted to their phones as well as parents. Some parents these days will let their kids do drugs and don't care if they cuss or anything. Another thing that is wrong with this world is that we don't see the sadness in people they hide their feelings and people don't pay enough attention to see if  they are ok. People take things for granted and that is a bad habit. People don't realize what they have until its gone because the truth is they never thought it would be gone. The devil is trying to tell us all we aren't good enough for the world or other people. Don't believe him. Don't let him drag u into a boiling pot of lies.

God Bless,
Mariah Goucher
                                              Slow Fade BY: Casting Crowns


  1. Incredibly heartfelt from both of you! I agree with each word you spoke... it is truth, a very sad truth of our world today. I don't understand why it is so hard for us all to recognize these changes and realize how horrible they are... like poison to our souls and life. You have written so much, that I will have to reread this many times. It is very touching and I thank you both for your inspiration and tender hearts! <3 Love you both more than you could ever know! <3 Lorilee

  2. Thank you for always taking time out to read our blog it means so much! We love you Lorilee!
