Sunday, April 19, 2015

It's time to be BOLD!!!!

   "Inspring Little Bits"
       In my homegroup a couple weeks back this question was presented to us ...What if we knew for a fact that we were the last generation on this Earth. How would that impact our life? Would the decisions we make be more intentional, would we pray for the the people that are lost and hurting more often, would we love and encourage them to seek God. I have pondered that question since that day. Now I would like to challenge you to ponder on it as well.

We need to be living as if we are the last generation! Revelation 22;7,12, 20
              I want to know what it means to live a fierce and fearless life of Faith! Give me the strength, courage and wisdom to be everything you called me to be...Let me be bold for you Lord!
Angie Goucher
A blog about my dog!
        On May 1, 2014 my beloved baby puppy Jackson past away unexpectedly it was a very hard day and he was only 3 years old... he began to get sick so we took him to the vet and they said there was not much they could do until morning. So we took him home and watched as he lay there in his bed getting sicker. By morning he was so sick he wasn't even moving so we took him to the vet again ,and I realized I had to say goodbye to my best friend. God helped me through this hard time and healed my broken heart. He blessed me with a new puppy that has brought me great joy. His name is Jake but I call him Jadaboo, everybody has to have a nickname!If you have  lost somebody you love, God can heal you too!!!



  1. You two are blessings....knock and he will answer. I am also pondering your question. I love your statement "to be bold". Your shared scripture says it all in revelation 22. For me that means share your faith in Everything you do, key word EVERYTHING. ;)

  2. Thnk you Brandy! You are a blessing too. We love you thanks for taking time to read our blog!
    Love, Mariah
