Sunday, August 9, 2015

Lord Let Us Bask In The Glory Of Your Presence!

Lord give me a clear mind and help me to focus on You and what's important to You. My mind is running a hundred miles an hour and there are to many things racing around in my head and to much to get done. The to do list never ends, the worries of the world are on my shoulder. Lord help me remember you are here in the midst of everything.

Lord help others see a glimpse of You through me, help me to be a women seeking after a heart like yours, a women reliant on you completely and one who desires to be like you. Lord help me be a good wife and a loving, attentive mother. Lord help me to stop wasting my precious time on pointless things that do not matter. Instead of being distracted by Facebook, TV, shopping, housework and worldly things help me to take that time and spend it in your word, praying for all those who so desperately need prayer, helping those who are in need and spending quality time with my family and friends and pointing them to you.

 Lord please restore my quiet time with you! Before I had my beautiful twin boys and life began to spin out of control with busyness, I couldn't wait to spend time with you.... I would get up with a cup of coffee, a pen, my journal and your word and begin my day so excited to be able to share some alone time with the one who knows me and my needs. You are the only one who can answer my prayers, the only one who loves me unconditionally despite all I've done, and the only one that has the answers to all my questions! YOU LORD, ONLY YOU!

Without you Lord I am truly a mess! I am suffering spiritually,  physically and emotionally. Without the opportunity to ask for your guidance, wisdom, strength and peace I am left doing it my way and I am weak. I am asking you Lord to help me be consistent about these things! I am so back and forth. I begin strong and pray for those I love who are struggling and then I stop, I begin to pray for myself and all my immediate family needs and then I stop. I watch situations that I prayed for so strongly at first begin to worsen then I start the prayers up again. Why do I do this? Haven't I seen your miracles before my very eyes, haven't I felt the glory of you presence? Haven't you provided comfort and strength when I need it and seek you for it?  The answer is Yes.... I have.... so why can't I just take to heart the verse that comes to my mind over and over again. Why can't I listen Lord?  Why? Lord help me bask in your presence of your glory each morning before I start my day and help me not forget that you are there throughout my day to consult. Lord help me to also start my day with gratitude for all you have done for me and for all that I have. Thank you Lord!  Amen

Matthew 7:7
Ask and it shall be given to you
Seek and you will find
Knock and the door will be opened
(See what it spells coming down ...It spells ASK! I just noticed this today when I was writing this and found it very fascinating.)

Some of the reasons people stop asking and seeking God are:
1.) To busy
2.) Hope is gone
3.) Faith is gone -Don't believe anything can change
4.) You forget to
5.) To involved in worldly things

(Don't give up! We can't afford to give up! Time is short! Let's make each day count!)

May You Bask In The Glory Of The Lord,
Angie Goucher

 I enjoy spending time with the Lord through worship music, journaling and reading devotionals the most! I feel when I am close to the Lord I am safe, happier and more loving. He calms me down when I am angry or frustrated. I love reading my devotionals with my mom but don't do it as often as I would like to. That is something we need to get back in the habit of doing. When we read and pray before bed it brings me great comfort and helps me sleep better. Lord I want to be in your presence!

God Bless, Mariah Goucher

                                           Check out one of my mom's favorite songs!


  1. This entire post is completely beautiful and inspirational! Bless both of you for not only a willing heart <3 to share, yet for the honestly you so so boldly speak it with... as all of us fall, and struggle, and hit the valleys and mountain tops... we are human! Yet all do not share so boldly that downs with the mountain tops; so I thank you both for such inspiring words... and that gives us each "HoPE" in knowing that Christ is not looking for the saved and perfect, but for our HeArT... He wants our heart and He will guide us in the rest... Love you both... Lorilee <3 <3 <3

  2. Thank you Lorilee! You have been a huge inspiration in both our lives and with so many others because of the love and joy you share with all you encounter! God will say to you....well done good and faithful servant! I know that with out a doubt! I love you!
