Monday, August 24, 2015

I'm Famous In My Fathers Eyes!

The Lord knows each and every one of us, he knows everything about us, he knew us before we were even born. He is the one who created us in his own image and exactly how he wanted us to be. So many of us want to change who we are and we are not happy with how God has created us. We feel inadequate, insecure, and unlovable, we have low self esteem, self confidence and self worth. We very rarely focus on the things we do like about ourselves. Society says we must keep up with the latest trends, hairstyles, and clothing to be accepted. We must act and talk a certain way. We must have everything and we must be good at everything and often times we listen to this lie!  

God adores us and he made us all different for a reason! We should never be ashamed of how he created us... if we do we are actually saying that the creator didn't know what he was doing. We need to seek God's word about how much he loves and adores us daily, this would really help us to realize just how special we are to him.

We should pray about beginning to recognize the gifts and talents that the Lord has given us. If we are feeling jealous, or envious of someone's gifts, talents, looks, how they dress, or what they own that is actually called coveting. When you compare yourself to others it makes you feel insecure. God does not want us to feel insecure...Remember he loves and adores us! This doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to change for the better, it just means we shouldn't be dwelling and or condemning ourselves for things we don't like about ourselves or longing for what others may have.

Maybe someone in your past has partially been responsible for making you feel this way about yourself. Maybe you have heard the words your ugly, fat, stupid, irritating, no good etc. from someone.

Maybe your parents have not encouraged you enough or given you compliments and praise or maybe they didn't give you the kind of love and attention you deserve. Maybe they treated you poorly, maybe they have been verbally or physically abusive toward you. Maybe you were neglected because your parents were to busy or always working. Maybe you didn't feel adored in any way shape or form from your parents.

Maybe your spouse doesn't adore you and doesn't treat you as your deserve to be treated. Maybe they look at you with disgust and verbally attack you with words that tear you down instead of build you up. Maybe they show little or no affection or attention. Maybe they never give you any compliments, praise or appreciation. Maybe they show other people the kind of love and attention you wish you could receive from them. Maybe your relationship is no longer about adoring one another like it was at one time.

This is not what God wants us!  He wants us to know no matter what has been said or done to us to scar us that we must never believe the lie of the devil that we are not adored... because that is so far from the truth... God loves us and adores us unconditionally and always will. We must begin to see ourselves as God sees us. God's divine creation! We are Fearfully and Wonderfully made! Psalm 139:14. If we don't like something about ourselves and we need to change an area in our lives we need to learn to trust that God will help us and begin to pray about it instead of getting down on ourselves about it.  We need to ask God to heal the pain that others may have caused and we need to always remember that God makes no mistakes!

Last but not least, I believe God wants us to make others feel adored as well ...maybe we all need to make a conscience effort to make others feel more loved, appreciated and special as we so desire to be. 

God Bless,
Angie Goucher

                                            This is another one of my Mom's favorite songs:
                                                             "He Knows My Name"
                                                             By: Francisca Battistelli           

I like this song as well it makes you feel like u r loved and you don't need your name in lights cause you are already famous in your fathers eyes, and even though your not perfect he still loves you very much! -Mariah Goucher

My moms good friend Maria Christina gave me a wonderful book called :
His Princess by Sheri Rose Shepherd
It is a great little book ...Thank you Maria!
Here is one of the pages and it is called
My Princess You Don't Have To Fit In...
I know you want to be accepted by others, but you were not made to fit in. You, my princess, were created to stand out. Not to draw attention to yourself, but to live the kind of life that leads others to Me. Remember its your choices that will pave your path to life. I will not force you to walk with Me or to walk away from Me. I want you to know that you can put on your crown at any time and let people know that you belong to Me. You have a royal call on your life. I want you to remember you wear the crown of everlasting life, and through you I will do abundantly more than you would ever dare to dream. Love, Your King and Crown giver

God Bless,

Mariah Goucher



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love that song...great article! Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart! ;-)

  3. You're so welcome Mariah! I'm so glad you're enjoying the book. Always remember that you will always be God's to you beautiful princess! ;-)

  4. You're so welcome Mariah! I'm so glad you're enjoying the book. Always remember that you will always be God's to you beautiful princess! ;-)

  5. ;-) thank you! your his beautiful princess to!
