Sunday, August 2, 2015

Lord Let Us Tame Our Tongues!

 Lurking within us are varying degrees of hatred, bitterness, jealously, pride, selfishness and our big fat mouth. I am writing about taming the tongue today because I myself struggle with this and I know God does not like it, nor does the loved ones I hurt with it like it! (Sorry Marty!)

The tongue is our worst can be very destructive and hurtful if not tamed. It takes hard work to tame our tongue and a lot of prayer and thought needs to go into this area of our lives. You all have heard the saying "If you don't have nothing nice to say then don't say anything at all" well I completely agree! I agree, but often times fail at this miserably!

 We need to think before we say something we will regret, especially when we are hurt, angry or irritated! Sometimes out of anger we will say what we are thinking at the time and don't even mean what we said really. Sometimes we mean what we said but we have no business saying it because it is hurtful and God would not approve of it. We tend to hurt our loved ones the worst with our tongues, especially our spouses. Why is it so easy to just strike out when were mad? This is exactly what the devil wants, he loves watching us hurt the ones we love, and just the opposite is true for God he does not like us to hurt our loved ones with our words and actions... it hurts him as well when we do.

Marriages and families have been broken, friendships have been lost, people are committing suicide from hateful words being said to them, peoples self esteem and self worth are deminishing and the list goes on... So question?  Are we using our tongues to build people up or destroy them? Are we filled with hate or love, bitterness or blessing, complaining or compliments?

Christians should be changed by the power of God and our words and actions should reflect it. Bottom line is we should think before we speak, if we need to walk away from the situation and calm down and say a little prayer about it and ask God to give us the right words to say then do it! It's so much better then being regretful or sorry for words or actions you can't take back.

Now if only I could take this advice from myself my husband and children would be so much happier!!! Please pray for me for this area of my life!

May God Bless You,
Angie Goucher

                                          This is one of my favorite Bible verses I love it!!!!  
 And this one of my favorite songs! Check it out!
King and Country
The proof of your love video  
 God bless.
Mariah Goucher


  1. Powerful video, thank you for sharing it. "Let my love, be the proof of Your love" "Love is Sacrifice" Gold nuggets of truth.

  2. It is such an awesome video! Glad you liked it Vivian! Love you! And thanks for taking time to read our blog, it means so much to us!
