Sunday, September 18, 2016


Recharge me Lord as I am weary and tired! I feel like my life is out of control at times. So much to do, so incredibly busy, so overwhelmed and I do not know how to slow it down! So many thoughts running through my head and things to remember, the to do lists seem to become longer and longer everyday, and I feel as if I can never catch up! I pack my days so full that my head is spinning and I feel emotionally and mentally exhausted trying to keep up with life's demands.

Lord, when did it become like this for all of us? Why have we become people of constant busyness? When you ask the common question "how are you doing?" it seems the same response is given over and over again. "I'm busy, just so busy!" Why do we expect so much from ourselves and why do others expect so much from us? Lord, when do we say enough is enough and learn to just let some things wait or choose to say no to some things altogether. Why do we feel like a failure if we don't accomplish our to do lists and the expectations we set for ourselves for the day. Why can't we just be satisfied with what we DID do instead! Why do we think completing these endless to do lists are more important than having a relationship with You, our family and or our friends? When will we begin to prioritize and make time for what is important to You? When will we begin to ask You what is on Your list for me to do today Lord?

Satan has me so exhausted, overwhelmed, irritable and distracted. I sometimes even treat people poorly and or act as if I am mad or irritated because I am so busy. Sometimes I don't really hear what people are saying to me like my children, husband and or co-workers and sometimes I even snap at them because they interrupt my busyness.  This is definitely not how You want me to act Lord, I know that for sure!  Satan is working very hard to keep me from the things You want for me and my life! I lose hope at times that things will ever change! I am tired, weary and burdened Lord with all the STUFF that clouds my view from You and those I love! I know that when I take time to seek You Lord especially before my day starts You never lead me astray, but why do I choose to go on apart from you most of the time and do things in my own strength?

Lord, help me start my day with You everyday!  I know if I do, You will give me strength to get through what I need to do, let go of what I don't, and begin to prioritize my day so that I will be focused on bringing You glory in all that I do! Help me to remember I am working for You Lord not for men, as it says we are to do in Your word. (Colossians 3:23)  When I am exhausted and worn out, weak and weary please let me not feel guilty about resting as you have commanded us to rest at least one day a week because you know we need it. (Exodus 20:8) I know You want me to see Your people Lord in the midst of these crazy days as well, please help me to respond to those around me, comfort them, listen to them, help them and encourage them to also seek You, so that they too will learn to rely on you for strength to get them through their busy days as well and rest when they need it.

Are you to busy? To busy for your husband, children, family and or friends? Are you to busy for God himself? Do you need to evaluate your busy life and see if there is something you can do differently, maybe there are chores that can wait, such as the pile of dishes or dirty laundry so that you may spend a bit of time with Jesus and quality time with those you love? Something has got to change, the people we love are suffering because we are all just to busy and we are all on the verge of a nervous breakdown from going full bore all day everyday!

God Bless,
Angie Goucher

As I get older, I am finding that I am becoming more and more busy! Please Lord help me never become to busy for You or my family and friends!
Come to me all who are weary and heavy burden and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Mariah Goucher

We get to see Matthew West at Winter Jam 2016!!!! Check out this song!

Sunday, July 17, 2016


Lord as I ponder my short time on this Earth I have found I have been asking myself what I have been doing to ensure others see YOU through me in my actions, words and how I present myself. How will people remember me when I am gone? I am not sure I like what I have discovered but am so thankful you have revealed to me so many areas I can work on!

Some of the questions You brought to my mind are: Will they look back on our conversations and time spent together with fond memories, will they remember encouraging words I have spoken to them, and prayers I have said for them or with them? Did I lend a helping hand when they needed it or a listening ear? Did I give them Godly advice no matter how tough it may have been to say or hear? Did I point them to You  Jesus in time of tribulations and trials and help them recognize the need to rely and trust You and always put You first? Did I tell them no matter what happens in this crazy world You will always be there for them? Did I share my testimony with them and tell them what you have done in my life? Did I share my own tribulations, my trials, grief, sorrow and or miracles with them and explain to them I couldn't have made it through these times without you?
Did I remind them to not always focus on the negative and remember to be thankful for all they have been given? Will they remember quality time I spent with them, that I actually took time to get to know them and valued their existence here on this Earth? Will they remember I lifted them up when they needed it and did I them how much I appreciated all they done and how they made a difference in my life? Will they remember me as a positive person full of the joy or a negative, irritable and angry individual? Will they remember me as a person who gossips or a person who stands up for those who are being gossiped about? Will I have shared my Faith with them at all? WOW! So many questions I have had to ask myself, if I really want to leave Your Legacy Lord things are going to need to change in my life especially where my immediate family is concerned!

I want my children to remember the fun times we had together as a family and have lasting and meaningful memories. I want them to remember how I comforted them in times of sorrow and pain and cried with them, talked to them and loved them through it and also pointed them to you for comfort, peace and strength. I want them to remember how we prayed together for our family, friends, and even strangers and our trials,and tribulations and how we thanked you for our answered prayers and many blessings. I want them to remember how we laughed together, snuggled and spent quality time together. I want them to look back and remember all the good times and not dwell on the bad. I want them to remember how we talked about their day, their interests, hobbies, friends, hopes and dreams and that I was also there for their disappointments and trails they will endure. Most importantly I want them to know without a doubt how much I love them and cherish them as a beautiful gift from You God and that they can be assured we will see each other again in Heaven.

I want my husband to look back on our many years together and remember we fought for our marriage and even though it was tough at times we stayed together for our children and because we took our vows before You Lord and be proud of how hard we worked to make our marriage work.  I want my husband to see the devotion I put forth for my family and be able to say that his wife loved the Lord and tried her best to teach her children to as well. I want my husband to say I put his needs before my own and that I took time out to listen, laugh, snuggle and encourage him. I want my husband to know how much I appreciate him and how grateful I am for all he has done for me and  our family. I want my husband to know that I am so proud of him for who he has become and the great father and husband he is. I want him to know he is loved and adored by his wife Lord.... but sadly I am failing!! WHY???

Lord, I want to leave YOUR Legacy... one that reflects who You are and who You have taught me to be. I cannot do this without You Lord! I am failing miserably! Thank you for bringing this to light in my life, help me to always remember it and work toward leaving a Godly Legacy, one that people say at the end of my life on this Earth... Wow she really loved the Lord and it showed in her actions, words, thoughts and personality.

How about you? Do you want to leave a Legacy? How will the people that you love or encounter remember you after your gone? Ponder that for awhile!

God Bless You All,
Angie Goucher
Have you ever had a friend that made you laugh the minute you get together? I am blessed to have that kind of friend! Her name is Lily Sitar and we have known each other since we were babies stealing each others binkies. Lily is so happy all the time and when we are together we laugh the whole time. I love being with her, she brings such joy to my heart. When I am with her I can just be myself and I forget about everything but just having fun! Lily has left a lasting legacy in my life and I love her so much! I hope you all have that kind of friend! Thank you Lily for being such a wonderful friend for the past 12 years and thank you God for giving me her! Friends till the end Jimmy! Serious Unicorn! LOL

God Bless,

Sunday, June 12, 2016


Oh Lord, please help me understand or at least trust you through the trials and tribulations, loss, grief, and complete chaos this world is in. I do not understand the tragic, heartbreaking, unbelievable things that are happening Lord. I ache for the day that you will end all this suffering and come and take us home to be with you in Heaven forever. Lord, there is just so much pain and sometimes it is unbearable and so heart wrenching that is hard to face the day. Please Lord, I am asking you to make yourself present in the lives of those who are struggling. Help me to not be so consumed with all that I have going on in my life that I miss all the hurting people around me. Remind me daily that you have given me the responsibility to check on them, encourage them, comfort them, listen to them, and point them to you, because we cannot do this life without you Lord! And when I am facing trials and hardships in my own life please send me people that I trust to care for me in the same way.

There are many things we will never understand, we have so many questions, so many why's and what ifs Lord, maybe someday the answers will be revealed to us? One thing I know for certain is  we can only hold onto the promise that one day there will be no more tears, sorrow, pain or heartbreak, but until then Lord please guide us, comfort us, and give us a sense of peace. Please give us a glimpse of what is awaiting us on the glorious day you return to take us home. Remind us to look around and see that there is still good here on earth and help us not to focus on all the bad and crazy stuff happening all the time.

Heal our broken hearts and restore our strength so that we may face another day. Please help us to be praying continuously for those we love that are struggling and for ourselves. Please help us stay grounded in your word so that we can remain hopeful and point others to you for whatever their needing and please Lord help us to be joyful in all circumstances which is so very hard.

Lord, we are waiting patiently for your return please come quickly as we are growing weary!

In Jesus name we pray amen,

Angie Goucher

                             IN LOVING MEMORY OF MORGAN EMILY GOUCHER
For the best cousin in the world...We all miss you very much.  I love you and wish I could see u one last time my beautiful cousin... you were so loving... always happy when you were around me... I wish you were here right now laughing with me like we always did and staying up late :( But now I know you are in the loving arms of God. See you in heaven someday... until we meet again<3 <3 <3          
 Nov. 22, 2002 ~ May 1, 2016 <3      
            An Eternal Memory     
       Until  We Meet Again

Those special memories of you
will always bring me a smile
if only I could have you back
for just a little while
Then we could sit and talk again
just like we used to do
you always meant so very much to me
and you always will do too
The fact that your no longer here
will always cause me  pain
but forever your in my heart
until we meet again 
Love you Morgan, Your cousin Mariah


Here is a beautiful song by Casting Crowns -Just Be Held

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Inspiring Little Bits-1 year anniversary!

This month marks the one year anniversary that me and my beautiful daughter Mariah began the Inspiring Little Bits Blog. It has been an amazing journey for us as mother and daughter! I am not one to follow through with things in my personal life so I am really excited and thankful to God that we have been faithful with some thing!  It has been so fun and rewarding writing this blog with my daughter and I am so proud of her and her love for the Lord!

God wants us to use our gifts and talents to bless others, and unfortunately I really don't have a lot of talent but I  have always had a desire to write and truly love it! The truth be told, I began this for myself and for a way for me and my daughter to spend time together and have an outlet to get to know the Lord in a more personal and intimate way, but my hope is that over the past year what God has revealed to us has in turn helped at least one person.

I absolutely love to spend time with my Lord, I treasure it and look forward to it, but it has been challenging to say the least at times to find the time in my very busy schedule to study and be still and spend quality quiet time with the Him so I can hear what it is he wants me to say. He has revealed so much to me and my daughter this past year through this process. He has opened my eyes to His love for me and how He desires to be in deep relationship with me. He has helped me recognize that I must stay in His word and be praying at all times for the areas in my life that need attention. God has reminded me that he wants me to be in relationship with others on a deeper level and that I need to be ready to point them to Him when given the opportunity. He has helped me realize that with Him I can do all things, I can have hope, peace and joy in this crazy world and through my trials and tribulations. He has revealed to me that without Him I cannot be a good wife, mother, friend, employee because left to myself I am really no good! He has revealed to me that all the areas in my life I struggle with need to be covered in prayer. I can be very selfish but He has revealed that it isn't all about me. Believe me I still struggle with all I have learned over this past year but I am trying and I know that God is blessing me for pressing on.

I remember the first couple blogs I wrote when it was time to hit the SHARE button it was intimidating and kind of scary as I really didn't know how people would react. I was worried what they thought about me a bit. I thought maybe they were thinking I was a Jesus Freak or something. Well the Lord has taken that fear away. He has given me a boldness I never knew existed and has brought me to a place where I am not ashamed to share all He has done for me!  Why would I want to hide the fact that I am His child and I am nothing without Him! I hope in some way it has INSPIRED and gave you the courage to share your Faith as well and that you have become more sensitive to His voice prompting you to do so!

I want to thank those that have given me encouragement throughout this past year and have given me  inspiring little bits to write about. I also want to thank those that have taken time out of their busy schedules to read our blog, it means a lot to us!

I want to thank those that inspired me to start Inspiring Little Bits because of your love, support and encouragement I began this journey with My Lord and my daughter! Misti Borgen, Susan Brossman, Vivian Brossman and Cherie Lewis.

I am very much looking forward to this upcoming year and all that God has in store. Won't you join me on this journey?

God Bless,
Angie Goucher

This past year has been exciting for me and I have got to experience a lot of neat opportunities with the Lord! I got to go to 2 really fun Christian concerts with my friends and my wonderful mom at the Spokane arena. The Rock and Worship Roadshow and the Winter Jam. These were my first concerts. I was baptized by my daddy in Twin Lakes along with our good friends Carol and Mike Peck and Nikki Cotter. I got to got to go the Real Life Ministries Rock The County which was a blast. At my school we pray around the flag pole every Monday, Tuesday and Friday which I love to be a part of. I started going to youth group this year and love it! It is amazing and so much fun. I love our youth pastor Heath, he is so much fun! The leaders invited our youth group to a BBQ and bonfire at their house... spending time with others from our youth group is fun! Last night I got to go to Lake City and Real Life Ministries worship night for the middle school with one of my best friends Brandy.  I started this blog with my beautiful mom this year as well...I am blessed and feel very lucky to have such a great life! This year has been spectacular! I hope the next year will be as great if not greater!!! Thanks for reading our blog!

God bless,

Sunday, March 27, 2016


 I absolutely love Easter Sunday! What a wonderful celebration of God's love and a time to reflect all he endured for us on the cross! He suffered and paid the ultimate price for us...DEATH.  As I try and wrap my mind around and ponder all that he went through for us, suffering the most horrendous and humiliating death, it's truly mind boggling! Why would he do this for ME? I encourage you all to watch the Passion of the Christ if you haven't as it can give you an idea of what Jesus had to endure so that you and I could be forgiven but I still cannot comprehend the depth of his love for ME: He was despised and rejected, mocked, beaten and flogged,  his body was disfigured beyond recognition, he had the weight of the worlds sin on his shoulders, he was separated from God for a period of time... all for me? WHAT??  I need to remember EVERYDAY instead of just Easter Sunday what Jesus went through for ME! He was crucified on the cross for ME! And YOU!!! And even though it was a horrible thing that he had to endure it was also wonderful and miraculous... HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD! HE'S ALIVE!

Easter bunnies, eggs, yummy dinner and family time is all great and lots of fun but lets all remember why we celebrate this holiday! HE'S ALIVE!

The music video below has a bit of the Passion of the Christ movie in it. Take a peak and see a glimpse of what he has done for you!

Have a Blessed Easter,
Angie Goucher


 Now Jesus was going to Jerusalem. On the way, he took the twelve aside and said to them "We are going to up to Jerusalem, the son of man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the teacher of the law. They will condemn him to be mocked and flogged and crucified. On the third day he will be raised to life!" Matthew  20:17-19

Happy Easter,
Mariah Goucher


Sunday, March 13, 2016


I have really began to notice that so many "Christians" including myself are not being very Christ like in the way we act toward others. The Holy Spirit has been really working on my heart in this area of my life. God has been bringing to my attention when I am not treating others as he expects me too. My tone, facial expressions, body language and words are not matching up to what he wants them to be much of the time. I am convicted over and over again, sometimes all day long about how I am not being real with people or I'm not really listening to them at times. I am not investing in their lives like He would like me too, I become irritated, rude or short with people often times and I treat people unkindly.

So many "Christians" do not even behave like Christians...they are short with people, they are impatient, entitled, embarrassing, rude, distracted, and self absorbed, it seems like many "Christians" act just like the world and it is very hard to even tell they are "Christians" because they are mad all the time and quite frankly act like spoiled brats if things don't go their way or if something goes wrong and disrupts their schedules they throw a fit. If someone messes up and it affects them in anyway they become irritated act like a child. Their facial expressions say it all and their tone of voice is very apparent, they think they may be doing a good job hiding their irritations but they are not. There are so many unhappy and irritated people in this world! Look around and pay attention this upcoming week and you will see what I am talking about. They are everywhere! I understand those individuals that don't follow Christ as they are not trying to live as Christ, but what I don't understand is the people who say they are "Christians" and they are not acting very Christ like. We have a guidebook (The Bible) to follow and it clearly outlines how we are suppose to act and speak and if we are truly following how God expects us to be we would be more aware and try are hardest to be kinder, and more loving towards people even if we are in a hurry or things don't go how we expect them too. We would practice being patient with people. We would try to not get so mad and irritated at everyone and everything. We would smile more, laugh more and have a little fun and conversant with people while we wait and make the best of the situations, taking each and every opportunity that comes our way to bless somebody's day instead of making matters worse. We need to remember God is placing opportunities in front of us and wanting us to take advantage of these opportunities to make a difference in somebody's life.

If we call ourselves "Christians" we better be acting Christ like. Christians, we better wake up! People are turning away from God because of our behavior! People are longing for someone to show kindness because there is such a lack of it these days! We can't afford to get this wrong, we must strive to be the person God has called us to be in all areas of our lives!

Lord, I want people to have no doubt in their minds that I am a Christ follower, I cannot do this if I am not acting as you have called me too. I want others to see you through me and want to have what I have because I have a relationship with you but if I am not showing your fruit, I have failed you. You give us the ability to show your love, and kindness, your peace, and patience, your goodness, and faithfulness, your gentleness and self control. Lord help me to pray for these fruits of the spirit as they do not come naturally to me. Lord, I do not want to hinder anyone from wanting a relationship with you. If they know that I am a "Christian" but yet I do not act like it they will turn away and not want anything to do with you. Lord, please help me to get this area of my life under control so that others will see you through me! If I fail which I will ...and become rude, irritated, self absorbed and unkind to people bring it to light right away and prompt me to apologize. You are the one that gets the bad rap for my bad behavior and for that I am truly sorry! In Jesus name I pray Amen.

Here are some examples of areas in which you can practice Christ like behavior:

1.) At the grocery store-with the clerks, and customers- There so many grumpy people in the grocery store-think of ways to strike up conversations, smile and or show some kindness to those that are grumpy and or in a hurry! If you do this it helps waiting in line so much easier and time will fly by! Praise those clerks that are friendly, smiling, happy and giving great customer service. Tell them how nice it is that they are so friendly as it is rare to see and is so very refreshing -try and do this so others may hear you say it to them so they might begin to notice clerks that are trying hard!

2.) Praise your co-workers more often, telling them how amazing they are for being kind to others, Make it clear to your co-workers it is not ok to be grumpy, irritated or impatient in your work environment, practice this every opportunity that arises. People don't want do business with grumpy, unkind, irritated, unhappy people. If you have a boss who is hard to deal with kill them with kindness and show them love, respect and honor them despite how they act. Pray for them to change their hearts.

3.) When you are doing business on the phone pray before you begin your conversations so you are not rude to the person on the other end of the phone or if they are rude you can turn them around with your kindness. It can be hard to be kind sometimes when you have to figure things out with someone on the phone.

4.) Practice being kind, loving and patient around and to your family members. We need to teach our children that it is not ok to treat others rudely. We need to teach them to show others God's love in all situations. We need to be patient people so they have an example to follow. We need to love the family members we have that might be difficult to love and show them kindness even if they are rude to us and may not deserve it.

These are a few examples of ways we can begin the process of being more Christ like to others. Will you take the challenge in asking God to reveal to you how you can be more aware of how you are treating people and begin to treat them as God wants us to?

 Since God has revealed that I need some serious help in this area of my life he continuously is bringing my behavior to my attention and convicting me over and over again! I have been practicing these very things above and the more I practice the easier it becomes and someday I will not have to practice it will be natural and I will not have to apologize for my rudeness hopefully! As believe me I have had to apologize so many times and it is not fun but at the same time when the Holy Spirit prompts me to apologize and I don't, it eats at me so it is just best to say sorry if you are short and offend someone!!

Come on "Christians" let's begin the process of behaving as God wants us to behave so we can point others to Him and not turn them away because of our behavior!

God Bless,
Angie Goucher

Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior and they will give honor to God when he judges the world. 1 Peter 2:12

I got to go to the Rock and Worship Roadshow with my mom and friends and see a lot of my favorite Christian singers, Jeremy Camp, Citizen Way, Audio Adrenaline, Newsboys, Danny Goeke, Mandissa, and Family Force Five. It was so much fun! Here is one of my favorite songs from Audio Adrenaline.

God Bless,
Mariah Goucher

Sunday, February 14, 2016



I would like you to listen to the song at the bottom of this post before, during or after reading this blog if you would! Enjoy!

I have learned that bad things are going to happen in my life and in the lives of the ones I love and I want to get to a place in my life that I know that God is in control of these things and my part is to respond in a certain way in each and every circumstance. God is teaching me that when something difficult happens that I may not understand that I need to focus on Him and refuse to respond in the way I would WANT to respond. He is teaching me that I need to act and respond as he would.

In each circumstance and situation that arises we must ask ourselves...How would you respond Jesus? He wants us to pray about these troubling things and ask him to help us respond like he would. I believe if we do not consult Him first we will react like the rest of the world to difficult situations through anger, fear, hostility, judgment, and lack of concern or compassion.

Jesus wants us to open our eyes to the hurting and show them love in anyway we can. He wants us to see the broken and lost people in this world and reach out to them with love, compassion, forgiveness  and genuine concern. He wants us to point them in the right direction, to encourage them to seek Jesus for their comfort, peace and strength. We need to show grace and mercy to everyone as Jesus has given us much grace and mercy to us even though we may not deserve it and He expects us to do the same to others.

We live in a broken world, where there is so much pain, confusion, lack of sympathy and compassion for one another and for their needs. We live in a world where there is disappointment, death, sickness and depression. We live in a world that is filled with loneliness, broken homes and fighting amongst each other. Each and every day I am faced with something tragic going on with someone I know and love and that isn't going to change, it isn't going to get better. God says as the end nears there will be all kinds of calamity, that is how we will know it is close.

2 Timothy 3:1-5 says "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, boastful, arrogant, rude, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of Godliness but denying its power."

Doesn't this sound like our world today? So what can we do as Christians in the midst of this calamity and chaos that surrounds us on a daily basis? How can we refuse to be caught up in the destruction and react in a Godly manner with all this going on?

1.) Stand on the word of God-  know what He says about how we should act, think and behave and try to always stay true to what his word says for any situation that may arise. Believe it or not all the answers are in His word! Walk in His will in ALL areas of your life.

2.) Believe in the power of our Almighty God and trust that He is in control! He wins in the end! There is absolutely no doubt!  He says He will work ALL things out for good for those who love him. (Romans 8:28) Have complete faith in him, never falter from your faith no matter what trials and tribulations come your way! It is easy to have faith when things are going good but the true test of your faith is when trials and tribulations that are out of our control come our way. God never promises us a life without suffering He promises us that He will walk through the trials with us.

3.) Rely on Him in ALL situations and in ALL circumstances for your strength, comfort and peace. This is only going to come from Him and Him alone.

4.) Persist in prayer -don't turn to Him as a last resort only when all else has failed and the situation has become desperate. He should be the first person and last person you should go to.  Pray for those that you love that need prayer...Commit to it don't just say you will pray- follow through!

5.) Remember we are only here on this earth for a short time. All the pain suffering, tears and tragedy will soon be gone and we will get to spend the rest of Eternity in Heaven with our Lord and Savior.

6.) Refuse to sit around and wait for someone else to do what God has called us to do ourselves. Take action and listen to God and what He is telling you to do in the situations that arise. We need to listen to the Holy Spirit prompting us and respond without hesitation. Let's refuse to be complacent to all the hurting around us, reach out to people, encourage them and love them through their difficult times. They need to know someone cares enough to ask them how they are, that someone is there for them when they need help and that someone is praying for them.

What do you say we open our eyes and hearts and begin to be the person God has called us to be? Would you join me in prayer this week to see what that looks like for? Would you ask God to show you how and who he would like you to encourage, love and pray for? He will bring people to mind as you walk through your day and will you respond?

Dear Lord, I am all about myself so much of the time please open my eyes to your hurting people and allow me to be used in whatever way you see fit. Help me see what you see and respond how you would in each and every situation I face. Thank you God for the times you have opened my eyes in the past to the hurt that surrounds me, it has been such a blessing knowing I have followed your will. Remind me to pray for them and with them and help me to always point them to you.

In Jesus Name Amen

May God Bless You,
Angie Goucher

 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrew 10:24-25

God Bless,
Mariah Goucher                 

                                          Song by: Josh Wilson-- I Refuse


Sunday, January 31, 2016


 Lord help me follow YOU in all my ways....

Lord help me seek you and your Kingdom first, help me to learn to value and desire to have a deep relationship with you always! Lord help me be obedient! Teach me your ways, show me how to love like you love Lord! I want to love so deep, so pure and so rare that it touches everyone I encounter.  Please give me a clean heart, a clear conscience and a sincere and strong faith. Lord help me to pray for myself and be in your word daily!  Help me to always live a life that will please and bring glory to your sweet name. Lord help me to follow you each and every day.

Lord teach me how to love my husband in a way he deserves to be loved! Help me to encourage him to be our spiritual leader always, and praise him for all he does for me and our family. Help me to respect him and his decisions. Help me to not take him for granted Lord! Help me listen to him and help him in any way I can especially when I see him struggling. Help me to be kind, loving, attentive and affectionate toward him. Lord help me learn to take care of myself spiritually, physically and emotionally so I am lovely in not only my appearance but also in my actions and words I speak to him. Lord help me to listen to him and not be so distracted by everything around me. Lord teach me that the most important thing I can do for my husband is to pray for him, myself and our relationship daily! My marriage and my husband are very important to you and I want to learn to follow what you have taught me about being a Godly wife. Lord keep my husband safe, healthy, happy and help him to continue to follow you and your ways.

Lord help me to care for, teach, inspire, and love my children unconditionally and bring them up to know and rely on you for EVERYTHING. Help me to raise my children in such a way that they have no doubt that YOU are Lord! Help me to teach them to learn to rely on YOU in times of sorrow, grief, pain, and disappointment and help me to also teach them to be thankful for all they have and to praise you regardless of what is going on in their lives. Lord, it is my job to teach my children to go to YOU to find joy, peace and hope. Help me to teach my children how much YOU love them and that your deepest desire is to have a relationship with them. Help me to set a example and be a good  role model for my children to follow. Help me to practice what I preach and not be a hypocrite. Help me to be aware that my mood and behavior effects my children greatly.  Help me to always forgive them for anything they may do that I don't agree with and pray they will do the same for me. Lord help me get this right...I don't get a second chance and my children's lives are at stake. Please Lord help me to always be attentive to my children and listen to them because what they have to say matters and is important. Lord please protect my children always, keep them safe, healthy, happy and guide their futures. Lord help me to follow the guidelines you have given me in your word.  Remind me to pray for their present situations and their future and help me to recognize that my children are a gift from you and to enjoy every minute you have given me.

Lord help me to see others as you see them, help me to care for them as you have instructed us to do!  Lord help me to see the hurting, the lost and the hopeless. Help me to not be so busy I miss the importance of being in relationship with your people. Lord help me to not give up on those who have hurt me, help me to always forgive and let go of any anger and resentment I may have toward someone. Please give me the strength, courage and boldness to encourage and point others to you for every situation and remind me to pray for them! Please help me to be uplifting, kind and generous to all I encounter in one way or another. Lord Let my life glorify you in all I do and say!

 I am often self absorbed and I care about many things but please help me to always stay focused on what matters to you most... and that is to follow you in all my ways!

Your Servant,
Angie Goucher


                                                                    Psalms 25: 4-7
Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Remember, Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old, do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways: according to your love remember me for you, Lord, are good.

God Bless,
Mariah Goucher